A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 1046 items that match your search.

"Meeting the Increased Demand for Education in New York State" (Heald Commission Report)

Upon his election as governor in 1959, Nelson Rockefeller established a committee to examine the expected increase in demand for higher education in New York in the coming decades. The committee, chaired by Henry Heald, issued this report calling [...]

"Students Stage Demonstrations Against War"

New York Times photo accompanying an article on a 1935 City College student demonstration against U.S. involvement in war in Europe. Caption reads: "The Protest Meeting at City College. Where the Police Finally had to Interfere to Prevent a [...]

CUNY Dollar - Occupy Wall Street

An anonymous critique of the CUNY Chancellor and Board of Trustees circulated during the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Brooklyn College - Handbills

279 digitized handbills and fliers from Student Union - Brooklyn College, Student Council and other student clubs such as Brooklyn College Young Communist League. The handbills cover an array of topics including war, peace, labor, and Academic [...]

Student Voices: Brooklyn College Oral Histories on WW2 and the McCarthy Era — Farm Labor

This website was a 2004 collaboration between the American Social History Project and Brooklyn College. In this Farm Labor Project section, the historical narrators describe participating in Brooklyn College's Farm Labor Project. These students, [...]

Student Voices: Brooklyn College Oral Histories on WW2 and the McCarthy Era — Civil Liberties 

This website was a 2004 collaboration between the American Social History Project and Brooklyn College. Redesigned in 2015 it chronicles student experiences with the college newspaper, the Vanguard, during a period in which civil liberties were [...]

Graduate student support for CUNY-wide student actions

Graduate student Steven Duncombe speaks about the CUNY student occupation protesting the budget cuts and the tuition increases of 1991. This video was originally recorded for the monthly cable TV labor program, Labor at the Crossroads (or Labor X), [...]

Queens College Civil Rights Archives

The Queens College Civil Rights Archive collects published and unpublished works relating to civil rights activities such as personal papers, community materials, organizational records, non-print materials, and artifacts. The archive, housed at [...]

Voice of the Voiceless, April 20, 1998

In this issue of the BMCC student newspaper, Voice of the Voiceless, the topic of Open Admissions is given full focus with more than twenty articles contributed on the subject from students across the CUNY system. The topic was given special [...]

The Campus, May 1, 1995

Selections from the CCNY Campus newspaper, covering the student hunger strike against the budget cuts and tuition hike in April, 1995. CCNY President Yolanda Moses brought in the NYPD to arrest 47 students. Includes an interview with President Moses [...]

"Students Rally Against the Cuts"

This front page article in the Hunter College Envoy covers a march and rally organized by SLAM! on March 21, 1996 against that year's proposed budget cuts to CUNY. The paper estimates about 800 Hunter students, faculty and staff attended.

"Student Protest Turns Violent"

This Daily News article covers the March 23, 1995 protest, focusing on the views of Mayor Giuliani and Governor Pataki, who blamed CUNY faculty and administration for the large turnout of students to the protest.

"Citibank: The Pawnbroker"

This article in the Spheric newspaper from Hunter College investigates the potential exploitation of students and campuses by the proposed CUNY Card. Citibank would get fees from students as part of this proposed ID card that would also be an ATM [...]

The Banner, March 30, 1995

Student newspaper from College of Staten Island, with coverage of March 23, 1995 CUNY Coalition protest at City Hall.

Save Open Admissions Teach-in - Cultural Festival

This flier by Brooklyn College SLAM! members promoted an event on campus celebrating the diversity of the student body with a cultural festival and teach-in about open admissions. The event was planned to mobilize and educate students on campus and [...]

"CUNY Task Force Chief Accused of 'Ethnic Cleansing'"

This New York Post article reports on a City Council Committee on Higher Education hearing at which council members remarked on the racism inherent in the effort of Mayor Giuliani's task force on CUNY to end open admissions.

CUNY Coalition Against The Cuts - Statement of Purpose

This statement of purpose was collectively written in an open meeting by participants in the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts. It reflects the radical vision and tactics of the coalition.

Tips for Giving Class Presentations

This flier was used by activists to prepare for giving short presentations—"class raps"—in classrooms to promote the March 23, 1995 demonstration at City Hall. It includes details about the planned tuition hike and cuts to financial aid, and the [...]

"SLAM! Street Fair"

This article in the Hunter College Envoy covers the street fair organized by SLAM! in the fall semester of 2000. Featuring performances by members of clubs from diverse cultures along with informational tables offering resources, the street fair was [...]

Item Type: Text (Article / Essay)
"Building a Movement"

This is a photocopied Village Voice article that was used to promote a citywide demonstration on April 25, 1995 that united groups fighting for education, jobs, housing, health care and AIDS care. They also called for an end to police brutality and [...]

"Bad Man Badillo: Butcher of CUNY"

This article by SLAM! member Sandra Barros for the Hunter Envoy investigates the role of CUNY Board of Trustees Vice Chair Herman Badillo in the plan to end open admissions at CUNY. This issue of the Envoy also includes an article about Hunter's [...]

Infusion: "CUNY's War on CUNY," October 1998

In this October 1998 edition of Infusion, the circumstances surrounding CUNY’s recent ending of Open Admissions are given national attention. The publication, created by The Center for Campus Organizing, an outlet for “progressive [...]

"New York Budget Cuts Spark Militant Mass Movement"

This May 1995 article in Love and Rage newspaper written by Christopher Day (Gunderson), a leader in the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts, emphasizes the confrontational protest tactics that emerged from "rank-and-file" students, giving student [...]

Love and Rage: Special Anti-Cop Issue

This special issue of Love and Rage, written and published by anarchist CUNY students active in the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts, covers police repression of student activism at CUNY and police brutality in New York City neighborhoods. One [...]

Newsday: "Enemies List?"

In this pair of articles from the Long Island, NY based Newsday, writer Graham Rayman details the efforts of CUNY officials to track and document the activities of student activists during the budget protests of 1995. Rayman's first article [...]

"Time to Rethink the Tax Cuts"

Spring 1995 New York Times editorial sympathetic to student protests against budget cuts and tuition hikes: "The current wave of protests represents the rebellion of reasonable minds. The reductions in health care, social services and education have [...]

"Students Leave Classes to Rally Against Budget"

This front-page, above-the-fold New York Times coverage of the CUNY Coalition's March 23, 1995 protest reports that thousands of students walked out of class to protest the proposed state and city budget cuts to CUNY. The article relies mainly on [...]

Open Admissions Protest Flier, October 1997

This Halloween themed flier, from October 1997, calls for participation in an October 26th protest at CUNY’s administrative offices at 535 E. 80th Street. Depicted are Rudolph Giuliani, New York’s mayor, and Herman Badillo, the Vice-Chair of [...]

Pataki: Anti-Budget Cuts Sticker

A two-color sticker with an image of Pataki with "devil" horns. The sticker explains that the estimated projected tax savings for a family earning $50,000/year would be $20, while programs for students, the elderly and the poor would be cut. [...]

Shut The City Down flier

Original flier used to publicize and invite CUNY and high school students to the March 23, 1995 rally at City Hall and the unpermitted march on Wall Street planned for after the rally. Included here is a separate document that was distributed among [...]

SLAM! Program Working Document

SLAM!'s 10-Point Program outlines the organization's vision for transformation of the university and society, from access for all to free quality higher education to democratic governance by students, workers and faculty; education for liberation; [...]

SLAM! business card

This business card was created to promote SLAM! and make sure people had the phone number and address. It featured a well-designed colorful graphic, a Frederick Douglass quote, and a tagline sharing SLAM!'s mission, "To serve the people."

Item Type: Image (Flier / Leaflet (1 or 2 page handout))
Do You and Your Friends Want to Go to College?

This flier was created by SLAM!'s High School Organizing Committee in 1999 to attempt to recruit high school students to organize to save open admissions at CUNY. Members of the committee passed out these fliers in the morning before school outside [...]

SLAM! Structure

This flier explains the structure of city-wide SLAM!, which was designed to ensure representation of actual organizing by students on their campuses. This was an effort to build a grassroots coalition that would bypass some of the problems the CUNY [...]

SLAM! Student Meeting Flier

This flier was created by Brooklyn College SLAM! members to promote a meeting on campus to organize protests against a CUNY tuition hike in the spring semester of 1997.

SLAM! the Tuition Hike Flier

Students posted this flier in the hallways of their CUNY campuses across the city, as part of efforts to build and maintain SLAM! chapters at other campuses in addition to Hunter College.

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