We found 54 items that match your search.
Asian Americans in New York Seminar for K-12 School Teachers
In July of 2015, Asian American Studies Program (AASP) director Jennifer Hayashida and Chi-hui Yang ran a $104,000 National Endowment for the Humanities-funded summer seminar at Hunter College for K-12 school teachers titled "Asian Americans in New [...]
CUNY Advocate Archives
This item links to the digital archive of The CUNY Advocate. It includes links to issues from 1989 to 2016. The Advocate serves as the newspaper for the students, staff, and faculty of the Graduate Center, CUNY. It is published six times per [...]
COVID University New York (Episode 5, "The Essential Workers")
Throughout the 2020-2021 academic year, COVID University New York (CVNY), a radio show co-produced by Racecar Radio and the Gotham Center for New York City History at the Graduate Center, discussed how the pandemic impacted vulnerable groups. In [...]
Close CUNY Change.org Petition
Started by "Concerned Student" on March 8, 2020, this petition calls on Chancellor Felix V. Matos Rodriguez to suspend the City University of New York (CUNY) schools one day after Governor Cuomo declared a formal state of emergency in New York State [...]
College of Staten Island (CSI) COVID-19 News
This item was compiled by John Verzani and published on Github. It provided a multipurpose resource for the City University of New York (CUNY) community and the College of Staten Island (CSI) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This daily repository was a [...]
John Jay College of Criminal Justice Law and Society Class Project: COVID-19 at CUNY
Developed at CUNY's John Jay College of Criminal Justice during the Spring 2020 semester, this Law and Society class project documented the ongoing relationship of student contributors and the broader City University of New York (CUNY) community to [...]
Open Pedagogy on the Open Lab
Published on March 21, 2020, this web guide discussed open pedagogy on New York City College of Technology's (City Tech) OpenLab blog, with two instructors providing tips and advice on distance learning techniques. The teachers focused on student [...]
Act as If You're Really There: What Learning to Speak Remotely Teaches Us about How to Compensate for the Coming Era of Social Distancing
Published on March 15, 2020, by Douglas Rushkoff, Media scholar and Professor of Media Studies at CUNY's Queens College, this Medium post focused on teaching and learning in online classrooms during the pandemic. It specifically covered issues [...]
CUNY From My Window
Led by the Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, this crowd-sourced initiative featured a sense-making project aimed at documenting at the embodied perspectives of CUNY community members during the pandemic, framed from the [...]
The Single Most Essential Requirement in Designing a Fall Online Course
Written by Cathy Davidson, Distinguished Professor of English at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center and published on the HASTAC blog on May 10, 2020, this piece reflected on pedagogical challenges brought on by the Covid-19 [...]
Petition in Opposition to Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection Software
This petition – opposing the CUNY Central administration's resolution to approve a contract with Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection Software – was crafted by Lisa Rhody, Luke Waltzer, and Roxanne Shirazi and circulated on December 3, 2020, [...]
Do Not Let CUNY Violate Student Privacy Change.org Petition
This Change.org petition – supported by multiple student organizations at on CUNY's Brooklyn, John Jay, Baruch, Queens, BMCC, Hunter, York, and CSI College campuses – called for the City University of New York (CUNY) system to disavow intrusive [...]
Considerations for Instructional Continuity
Distributed in March 2020, the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) at The Graduate Center compiled this preemptive guide on navigating the midstream shift to distance learning, along with associated forms of campus-based guidance from other City [...]
BLA Trauma Informed Pedagogy Workshop
Developed by the Open Lab at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) in August 2020, this website offered materials and resources on trauma-informed pedagogy, calling for more responsive teaching practices during the pandemic in order to [...]
Letter to Gov. Cuomo Regarding CUNY Cuts
This petition, signed by various CUNY faculty and staff in May 2020, argued against proposed CUNY cuts during the COVID-19 crisis. The signers asked then New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to reverse his decision. Directly addressed to the major [...]
Student Help Project Timeline
The Student Help Project was a collective of Queens College student activists who volunteered to tutor schoolchildren in Jamaica, Queens and Prince Edward County, Virginia in 1963. The Student Help Project Timeline exhibits archival items donated by [...]
Student Help Project Art Book
The Student Help Project Art Book was produced by Queens College graphic design students to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Student Help Project. The Art Book visualizes the legal struggle for desegregation and equal opportunity to quality [...]
School Boycott
This exhibition includes flyers promoting The School Boycott which occurred on February 3rd, 1964. It was organized by local New York City civil rights leaders, and members of the NAACP and CORE. More than 450,000 students boycotted their public [...]
Mississippi Freedom Summer
This exhibit consists of photographs and flyers highlighting the participation of Queens College student activists in the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964. In particular, many of these students were involved in the Meridian Freedom School [...]
Three Who Died for Civil Rights
This exhibit contains items including articles, flyers and logs related to the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney in Mississippi, 1964. Goodman was a student at Queens College at the time of his death. [...]
Violence Against Protesters at CUNY
Occupy Wall Street People's Library blog post and video round-up about the November 21, 2011 incident at Baruch College, in which NYPD and CUNY security attacked and arrested students, faculty, staff, and community members who were peacefully [...]
Protest Again Centers on Baruch College as CUNY Trustees Approve Tuition Increase
A week after an impromptu CUNY protest at Baruch College in which students were clashing with police, this Chronicle of Higher Education article covers a second protest at Baruch College. The article reports that a thousand students, faculty [...]
CUNY May Day Blog
This blog from 2012 features posts and resources regarding that year's May Day activities on and around CUNY campuses. Among these resources are flyers, sample lesson plans, and readings intended to raise awareness around issues facing CUNY and the [...]
"Teach CUNY"
Organized by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) chapter of the Borough of Manhattan Community college, 'Teach CUNY' is an annual effort to raise awareness of issues facing CUNY. Beginning in 2011 with an emphasis on matters relating to college [...]
Free University Week
This web page features information regarding "Free University Week," a five-day event in Madison Square Park from September 18-22, 2012 that offered free educational workshops and classes to the general public. Founded around May Day 2012, the Free [...]
Occupy CUNY News
This Wordpress site features a collection of links and articles relating to the Occupy CUNY movement of 2011-12. No longer updated, it now serves as a repository for information on the activism of the period.
Occupy City University of NY Students and Faculty Protest
Ken Nash of the syndicated radio program, Building Bridges is in conversation with Hector Agredano (Occupy CUNY), Emma Francis-Snyder(Occupy CUNY), and Barbara Bowen (President of CUNY Professional Staff Congress) in this December 2011 30-minute [...]
"Will Everyman Destroy the University?"
In this article, CUNY’s new Vice Chancellor Timothy Healy writes of SEEK as both a practical and theoretical model for open admissions. He cites the success of the program--intended to improve higher education access for the underserved--as proof [...]
The Time for Action
This 8-minute film includes footage from the second General Assembly at Hunter College, and the first "Occupy CUNY" teach-in at Washington Square Park on October 21st, 2011. The filmmakers who were CUNY graduate students at the time stated, “We [...]
Occupying our Education
Drawing on experiences with Occupy CUNY, the Adjunct Project, and teaching an ‘Occupy Class’ at Brooklyn College, Steve M. shares insights into the conditions for organizing around universities today. In the face of the challenges of divisions [...]
The Struggle For Speech at CCNY, 1931-42
Based on the exhibition "Protest and Repression: The Struggle for Free Speech at CCNY, 1931-42," mounted at The Graduate Center, CUNY, February 4 to March 4, 2005. This exhibition was first mounted at the Morris Raphael Cohen Library, The City [...]
SLAM! Herstory Project
A multimedia oral history archive about the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!, 1996-2007) and the CUNY Coalition (1995) at the City University of New York.
CUNY SEEK and Open Admissions Oral Histories
This is a website of oral histories by CUNY students and teachers telling stories about the founding and early years of SEEK at City College. It also contains stories about teaching writing in the first decade of Open Admissions across CUNY.
CCNY Anti War Notices
“Nip Fascism in the Bud” This collection contains 337 pamphlets, newsletters, and flyers, which were circulated at City College of New York during the 1930s and 40s by student political organizations, which included the Young Communist League, [...]
We Must Stand United - Bronx Community College, a Center for Black Activism
We Must Stand United explores the contributions of history makers such as James Colston, Roscoe Brown, and countless generations of students who have made Bronx Community College (BCC) a center of black activism. It demonstrates BCC's crucial [...]
Archive on Municipal Finance and Leadership
The Archive on Municipal Finance and Leadership at Baruch College makes available significant documentation of the city's fiscal crisis of the 1970s. This archive, compiled by the college's School of Public Affairs and hosted at the William and [...]
Brooklyn College - Handbills
279 digitized handbills and fliers from Student Union - Brooklyn College, Student Council and other student clubs such as Brooklyn College Young Communist League. The handbills cover an array of topics including war, peace, labor, and Academic [...]
Fifty Years of Educating for Justice - 50th Anniversary of John Jay College of Criminal Justice - digital exhibition
This digital exhibition celebrates the 50th Anniversary of John Jay College of Criminal Justice. "From its evolution as a small school serving New York’s uniformed services, John Jay has grown to an internationally renowned liberal arts university [...]
City College Commencement Address by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
A PDF of City College Commencement Address by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered on June 12, 1963