A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Voice of the Voiceless, April 20, 1998

In this issue of the BMCC student newspaper, Voice of the Voiceless, the topic of Open Admissions is given full focus with more than twenty articles contributed on the subject from students across the CUNY system. The topic was given special consideration in this April 20, 1998 edition of the paper as CUNY’s Board of Trustees was scheduled to decide on the future of Open Admissions in a vote on April 27th. In January, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had issued an indictment of the system's effectiveness in his State of the City Address, calling open enrollment "a mistake [that] should be changed." Many of the students' submissions in this paper are directed at Giuliani's criticisms.

Additional articles found in this paper also cover the “freshman admissions requirements” across CUNY’s senior colleges, as well as a breakdown of the use of “student activity fees” at BMCC.

Source | Subways, Suzy
Creator | Voice of the Voiceless
Date Created | April 20, 1998
Rights | Obtain From Subways, Suzy
Item Type | Text (Newspaper / Magazine / Journal)
Cite This document | Voice of the Voiceless, “Voice of the Voiceless,April 20, 1998,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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