A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 1046 items that match your search.

Janet Mayes: An Oral History of the CCNY 1960’s SEEK Program

In this oral history interview, Janet Mayes, a City College SEEK writing teacher reflects on her experiences with the program. Mayes joined CCNY in the spring of 1967, making her one of the seven original SEEK writing lecturers. She co-taught a SEEK [...]

Statement of Professor John A. Davis

In this 1965 statement Professor John A. Davis demands that his colleagues at City College take action to increase minority representation at the school. He writes that two years had “passed since various units of City College have been [...]

Educational Opportunity Programs: Are They Academically Justifiable?

In this 22-page, July 1969 Milwaukee speech to the first annual conference on educational opportunity programs in higher education, Leslie Berger--director of CUNY's SEEK program--describes the birth and rapid growth of SEEK from 1965 to 1969; [...]

Anthony Penale as a Young Man

Anthony Penale was a City College lecturer and writing teacher in 1965 when he was appointed by English Chair Edmund Volpe as the first SEEK English coordinator/director. Penale became ill in the summer of 1967 and Volpe then appointed Mina [...]

Allen B. Ballard: An Oral History of the CCNY 1960s SEEK Program

In September of 1965, City College launched SEEK, a desegregation and supportive teaching program that quickly became the direct model for new Equal Opportunity Programs at dozens of New York colleges. Here SEEK founder Allen Ballard remembers the [...]

Francee Covington: An Oral History of the CCNY 1960s SEEK Program and The Paper

In 1966, Francee Covington entered City College as one the first class of SEEK students. Here, Francee remembers growing up in Brooklyn, her years as a City College student and her student journalism work on The Paper. Short for "Search for [...]

Marvina White: An Oral History of the CCNY 1960s SEEK Program

In this interview, Marvina White recounts growing up on Dyckman Street in Upper Manhattan and entering City College as part of the first class of SEEK students in 1966. White also analyzes how SEEK-- especially SEEK teachers and counsellors Barbara [...]

Eugenia Wiltshire: An Oral History of the CCNY 1960s SEEK Program

In this oral history interview, Eugenia Wiltshire (nee Dorothy Robinson) recalls her time attending City College in 1966-70 as one of CUNY's first SEEK students. Short for "Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge," SEEK was established in [...]

1992-1993 COEH Annual Report

This annual report from 1992-1993 offers insight into Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) during its early years. Summarizing a year's worth of work, the document includes the Center's mission statement, a [...]

The COEH Voice

Published in November 2000, this newsletter from Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health offers a detailed look back at the center's work in its initial ten years and also anticipates its future plans. The Center, which [...]

Highlights from the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (2000-2001)

After a decade of successfully implementing activities promoting urban community and workplace health, David Kotelchuck compiled the highlights of the center’s achievements and outlined future plans. This memo addressed to Nick Freudenberg, in [...]

Environmental Worker Training Program Graduation Program

This Graduation Ceremony program celebrates students graduating from the Environmental Worker Training Program in 2001. In addition to the conferring of certificates, students were recognized for academic achievement, attendance and professional [...]

Community Health Worker Project at Hunter College - Project Update 5/23/02

This update discusses several topics surrounding the Community Health Worker (CHW) Project run by Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH). Included among these is a description of the progress towards creating a [...]

Activities and Sources of Support for the Hunter-Montefiore Health and Safety Training Program

This Appendix B lists the activities and sources of support for the Hunter-Montefiore Health and Safety Training program in 1985-87. Minimizing Asbestos risks and developing a statewide public employee Health and Safety training program were [...]

COEH Grant Awards 1990-1999

Produced by Hunter College's Office of Research Administration, this report offers summary of the various sources of funding and projects undertaken by the COEH between the years 1990 and 1999. While the projects cover a number of topics, several [...]

COEH Grant Awards 2000-2016

Produced by Hunter College's Office of Research Administration, this report offers summary of the various sources of funding and projects undertaken by the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) between the years 2000 and 2016. [...]

NYSDEC 8-Hour HAZWOPER Course: COEH at Hunter College Training Schedule

This two-month extract from a 2009 schedule offers a brief look into the distances travelled by COEH instructors throughout New York State for their annual 8-hour HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) refresher courses. The [...]

EPA-HWWT Training Summary 1999-2004

The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health compiled these tables breaking down the programs for Hazardous Waste Workers Training (HWWT) offered from the years 1999-2004 by type of class, number of classes, number of people trained and [...]

Final Report for Susan Harwood Training Grant

This report, produced by Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health and the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union (PACE), was created at the conclusion of their three-year, Susan Harwood [...]

EPA-HWWT Training Summary 2004-2009

The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health compiled these tables breaking down the Health and Safety Training programs for Hazardous Waste Workers offered from the years 2004-2009 by type of class, number of classes, number of people [...]

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Train-the-Trainer Course and Cover Letter

This cover letter addressed to Jean Edouard, the Director of Education and Training in the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation is requesting a letter of support for further federal funding. The letter broadly presents the main tenants [...]

Meeting with Founding Dean Dr. Kenneth Olden

Prepared for an October 2009 meeting with Dr. Kenneth Olden, the founding dean of the CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College, this document highlights many of the past successes and efforts of Hunter College's Center for Occupational and [...]

"Pre-Baccalaureate Program Student Statistics -- Fall Term 1965"

This early summary of the first semester of SEEK (then known as the Pre-Baccalaureate Program) details the courses, schedules and teachers for the 113 SEEK students in Fall 1965 at CCNY. These first SEEK students took a mix of mainstream and special [...]

"Will Everyman Destroy the University?"

In this article, CUNY’s new Vice Chancellor Timothy Healy writes of SEEK as both a practical and theoretical model for open admissions. He cites the success of the program--intended to improve higher education access for the underserved--as proof [...]

"The Faculty Council Interim Report of the Committee on Enrollment Policy"

This April 1964 report shows the deep conflicts within the CCNY faculty with regards to expanding access to new students. Complaining about limited facilities and student unreadiness, the faculty committee resisted both loosening admissions [...]

The Time for Action

This 8-minute film includes footage from the second General Assembly at Hunter College, and the first "Occupy CUNY" teach-in at Washington Square Park on October 21st, 2011. The filmmakers who were CUNY graduate students at the time stated, “We [...]

Occupying our Education

Drawing on experiences with Occupy CUNY, the Adjunct Project, and teaching an ‘Occupy Class’ at Brooklyn College, Steve M. shares insights into the conditions for organizing around universities today. In the face of the challenges of divisions [...]

FDNY Health and Safety Training for Incident Commanders

In the late-1990s, Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) trained the entirety of FDNY's leadership over the course of 24 hours on the topics of health and safety for (emergency) incident commanders. These documents [...]

Organizational Structure of Hunter College School of Health Professions

This chart offers an overview of the organizational structure of Hunter College's School of Health Professions. The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH), officially formed in 1990, was granted a fair degree of autonomy over its [...]

Community Health Worker Project Brochure

This brochure advertises the "Community Health Worker Project" run by Hunter College's Center for Environmental and Occupational Health (COEH). The project, one of COEH's major initiatives, recruited local residents from New York City neighborhoods [...]

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health ( COEH) Brochure

This brochure from the early 2000s outlines many of the programs offered by Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH). Included among these were asthma education, community health worker training, and lead poisoning [...]

COEH Project Funding from 1999-2001

These pages document the various projects that Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) worked on between 1999 and 2001. In addition to listing funding totals and sources, the sheet includes the Center's various [...]

COEH Staff Retreat Summary and Follow-up (2002)

This document offers summary of a 2002 staff retreat of members of Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH). At the retreat, staff members outlined what they considered to be the Center's largest issues, their future [...]

Meeting the Urban Health Challenge: Southern Bronx Community Tour Briefing Booklet

Prepared by Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) in 1998, this booklet was created to introduce residents of two community districts in the Southern Bronx to important issues of public health in their [...]

"Upstairs, Downstairs: Perchloroethylene in the Air in Apartments above New York City Dry Cleaners"

This is an extract from an October 1995 report detailing the prevalence of perchloroethylene (or "perc") in the air in New York City apartments situated above dry cleaners. Perc, a potentially toxic chemical, had been the main solvent used for dry [...]

United Federation of College Teachers: BMCC Chapter Newsletter, October 1966

This is the inaugural issue of the the newsletter of the BMCC chapter of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), which would later be named The Gadfly. During the 1960s, the UFCT and the Legislative Conference were the two main [...]

MCC Strike Committee Bulletin #1

The 1976 contract negotiations between the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) and the university occurred in the midst of the city's mid-1970s fiscal crisis. Radicals at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) formed a strike committee in order [...]

Faculty Action, Fall 1977

This issue of Faculty Action focuses on the Bakke case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the policy of affirmative action in college admissions but ruled out the use of racial quotas. Writing before the decision was issued, the editors [...]

Faculty Action, May 1976

Published in May 1976, in this inaugural issue of Faculty Action, the lead story urges members of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to reject a recent contract negotiated by union leadership with the city and state. The issue also presents the [...]

"Letter to Class of 1970"

Sample Pittman was an Associate Dean of Students at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) during the early 1970s. He became known to politicized students and faculty as a hostile opponent of the Third World Coalition, the radical group that [...]

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