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"Meeting the Increased Demand for Education in New York State" (Heald Commission Report)

Upon his election as governor in 1959, Nelson Rockefeller established a committee to examine the expected increase in demand for higher education in New York in the coming decades. The committee, chaired by Henry Heald, issued this report calling for an expansion of the SUNY system as well as public aid to private colleges, increased student scholarships, and an end to the tuition-free policy in New York City's municipal colleges.

Source | New York State Archives
Creator | Committee on Higher Education
Date Created | November 1960
Rights | Public Domain.
Item Type | Text (Report / Paper / Proposal)
Cite This document | Committee on Higher Education, “"Meeting the Increased Demand for Education in New York State" (Heald Commission Report),” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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