We found 284 items that match your search.
Letter from Dr. Peter Kwong to Asian American Studies Community Advisory Board
In this letter dated October 13, 1993, inaugural director Peter Kwong announces the formal establishment of the Hunter Asian American Studies Program (AASP)—one of the first programs in Asian American studies on the East Coast. The letter invites [...]
First Community Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
These minutes document the Hunter Asian American Studies Program (AASP)'s first Community Advisory Board meeting which took place on October 29th, 1993. In attendance included representatives from prominent community organizations including The [...]
Third Community Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
These minutes document the Hunter Asian American Studies Program (AASP)’s third Community Advisory Board meeting which took place on January 18th, 1994. In attendance included representatives from prominent community organizations including the [...]
Flooding the Stream: Asian American Writers' Conference
This poster and program features "Flooding the Stream," the first Asian American writers' conference in New York City. The conference took place from November 11-12, 1994 at Hunter College and was sponsored by the Asian American Studies Program and [...]
Asian American Women and Feminism
This program is for a panel event titled "Asian American Women and Feminism," which took place on March 6, 1997. The event was sponsored by the Hunter Asian American Studies Program and the Asian Pacific American Student Association. The panel [...]
Asian Americans in New York Seminar for K-12 School Teachers
In July of 2015, Asian American Studies Program (AASP) director Jennifer Hayashida and Chi-hui Yang ran a $104,000 National Endowment for the Humanities-funded summer seminar at Hunter College for K-12 school teachers titled "Asian Americans in New [...]
"Student Voices Breaking the Silence: The Asian and Pacific American Experience"
This article was written by Paula Y. Bagasao for the November/December 1989 issue of Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning features the narratives of 10 Asian and Pacific American student voices from across the country, including those of three [...]
"We Accuse"
“We Accuse The Members of the Emergency Financial Control Board of Crimes Against the Community” flyer was created by the Community Coalition to Save Hostos (CCSH) for the May 10, 1976 march that proceeded from El Barrio to the headquarters of [...]
A College in the City
This report, commissioned by Dr. William Birenbaum, then the president of the Educational Affiliate of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation and later the first president of Staten Island Community College, argues that urban institutions of [...]
Community Health Worker Training Artwork
Created in 2000 by Ted Outwater, then associate director and environmental specialist for Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH), these illustrations reflect some of the challenges that faced community health [...]
Center for Occupational and Environmental Health - Oral History Interview
In this group interview, Dave Kotelchuck, Andrew Burgie, Amy Manowitz, and Dan Kass document their involvement with the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) based out of Hunter College, CUNY. Conducted by Andrea Vásquez on March [...]
First CLAGS Benefit Proposal
This press release for CLAGS’ first fundraising event was published on October 1st, 1989. The event, hosted by Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and feminist icon Gloria Steinem was part of CLAGS' effort to raise the $50,000 required to formally operate as [...]
CLAGS Inauguration Event Program
This program was given to those who attended CLAGS inaugural event at the CUNY Graduate Center, which was held on Friday, October 4, 1991. Hosted by esteemed queer and feminist scholars, Alice Walker and Adrienne Rich, the celebration doubled as an [...]
Letter to Audre Lorde
The letter dated February 6, 1992, from CLAGS is addressed to Audre Lorde and invites her to be the first recipient of CLAGS’ annual Kessler award. The Kessler award, given by CLAGS each year since its sophomore year in 1992, was created with an [...]
Sissies and Tomboys
This poster advertises Sissies and Tomboys, CLAGS’ one-day conference, which was held at the CUNY Graduate Center on February 10th, 1995. The conference explored the relationship between homosexuality and gender “nonconformity,” how and why [...]
Homo Economics
This poster advertises Homo Economics: Market and Community in Lesbian and Gay Life, a conference sponsored by CLAGS and held on May 7th, 1994. Like many other CLAGS events, Homo Economics was groundbreaking in that it was the first ever conference [...]
Queer Futures: Local Politics Global Change Conference Poster
This poster promotes the Local Politics Global Change conference which was held on April 23rd and 24th, 1999 under the sponsorship of CLAGS and the NYU Faculty Working Group on Queer Studies. The central aim of the conference was to explore the [...]
Fall 2014 Calendar of Events
This item features the events sponsored by CLAGS during the Fall 2014 semester. The diversity and range of events throughout the semester, including topics such as a panel on sports culture and queerness, discussions of safe spaces, and the launch [...]
Spring 2015 Calendar of Events
This item shows the events sponsored by CLAGS during the Spring 2015 semester. The diversity and range of events throughout the semester, including topics such as an intersectional look at queerness and disability and Swedish choreographer Carl Olof [...]
Gay American History @40 Conference Poster
This poster advertises the Gay American History @40 conference, which was held at the Theresa Lang Center of the New School from May 4th to 6th, 2016. The event, which was co-sponsored by CLAGS as well as ARCUS, the Digital Humanities Initiative, [...]
CUNY Forum - Future of Public Higher Education
Airing on May 6, 1998, this episode of CUNY Forum features an hour-long discussion on the future of public higher education in New York City. Moderated by Brooklyn College Professor Ed Rogowsky, the forum includes several participants including [...]
Annual Report for CSWS by Patricia Clough
This report described the Center for the Study of Women and Society's (CSWS) research and sponsored programs in the 2005-06 fiscal year. It included the Conviction Project Seminar, the College and Community Fellowship Program, the Community [...]
National Council for Research on Women and the Center for the Study of Women and Society
This October 11, 2006, document provided a description of the Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS) for the National Council for Research on Women (NCRW) website. The NCRW had initially sent the CSWS a letter of recognition circa 1992, [...]
A Series of Correspondences between Zalk and Orozco
Through the Visiting Scholar program, The Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS) supported international scholars impacting communities far beyond CUNY. This 1991-93 collection of primary materials showed the profound and lasting [...]
Howard University Recruitment Correspondence
Indicative of the Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS) interest in intersectional feminism, this correspondence was sent from Dr. Sandra S. Tangri, of the Social Psychology Program at Howard University, to the director of the Center for [...]
"We're all in this Together": CUNY in Solidarity with the Home Care Strike
This flyer promoted an April 17th CUNY rally held in opposition to budget cuts and tuition hikes. The CUNY rally participants joined Local 1199 and DC 1707 home care workers on the picket line. One of the core tenets of the Graduate Student [...]
No Budget Cuts – No Givebacks – Join CUNY Students
City University of New York’s (CUNY) struggles were “no different from labor’s fight for economic and social justice.” This 1991 flyer appealed to NYC labor movement members to join CUNY student strikers, arguing that the attacks on CUNY [...]
CUNY City-Wide Student Coalition
This CUNY-wide student coalition document outlined ten demands which included a call for Chancellor W. Ann Reynold's resignation, the elimination of tuition, no state cuts to education, student seats on multiple CUNY committees (including budget) [...]
Fourth Internationalist Tendency Flyer: Support the Student Takeovers
This newsletter produced by the Fourth Internationalist Tendency (FIT, a Trotskyist group) supported the CUNY student takeovers. It stated that Governor Cuomo, CUNY Chancellor Anne Reynolds, and Mayor Dinkins's proposal to cut CUNY's budget by $96 [...]
Etceteras Newspaper Volume 0 Number 0
Following the Graduate Center takeover, Etceteras Vol.0 No.0 featured reflections and commentary on the "Occupation 1991," which had lasted over a week. Various students from multiple programs not actively involved in the takeover of the Graduate [...]
CUNY Students Join Striking Home Care Workers Flyer
Sponsored by Local 1199 and CUNY strikers, this flyer promoted an April 17th rally and march in front of the Human Resources Administration (HRA) building. In solidarity with the workers of New York City, City University of New York (CUNY) students [...]
Tweet: Student Complaint
This tweet questioned the ethical determination behind the City University of New York's (CUNY) continuance of in-person operations at the beginning of the pandemic. Like other artifacts in this section, this tweet expressed the broader CUNY [...]
Tweet: Defense of CUNY by Student
This tweet expressed a counter-narrative to the antagonism against City University of New York (CUNY) administration seen in other items in this collection, pointing out that the nature of CUNY's student body forced questions of equity to guide its [...]
Tweet: #CloseCUNY Nationwide
This tweet pointed out that the #CloseCUNY hashtag had received national circulation among Twitter's userbase during the early days of the pandemic. This hashtag expressed a growing desire for CUNY to cease in-person instruction, begun early in the [...]
Tweet: Lehman President Explanation
This series of tweets from the president of Lehman College, Daniel Lemons, provided an official response to demands for CUNY's closure, explaining that the logistics facing CUNY's transition to distance learning were markedly different from other [...]
Tweet: School is still open?
This tweet from a City University of New York (CUNY) student pointed out the discrepancy between faculty preparation for online teaching and the continued operation of CUNY campuses. As expressed in other tweets (see the series "Tweet: Lehman [...]
Tweet: CUNY/SUNY Pandemic Response & Student Wellbeing
Posted on March 11, 2020, this tweet echoed related Twitter artifacts from this collection in scrutinizing the perceived lack of preparedness and administrative indifference of the City University of New York (CUNY) toward the health and safety of [...]
Selected Facebook Posts from CUNY Confessions
This item offered a curated selection of informally written Facebook posts documenting student life during the abrupt transition to distance learning in mid-March of 2020. Drawing from the "CUNY Confessions" Facebook group, these compiled posts [...]
COVID University New York (Episode 5, "The Essential Workers")
Throughout the 2020-2021 academic year, COVID University New York (CVNY), a radio show co-produced by Racecar Radio and the Gotham Center for New York City History at the Graduate Center, discussed how the pandemic impacted vulnerable groups. In [...]
Close CUNY Change.org Petition
Started by "Concerned Student" on March 8, 2020, this petition calls on Chancellor Felix V. Matos Rodriguez to suspend the City University of New York (CUNY) schools one day after Governor Cuomo declared a formal state of emergency in New York State [...]