A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 1046 items that match your search.

"Move the Crowd"

This November 2000 feature article in The Source, the leading national hip-hop magazine at the time, covers SLAM!'s participation in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia that year. The protests focused on [...]

Spheric: "Birth of an Internation," Vol. X: #1, 1995

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers the massive March 23, 1995 protest at City Hall that led to the reduction of Governor Pataki's budget cuts and tuition hike that year. [...]

Spheric: Election Special

This special edition of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, includes several articles covering the 1996 U.S. presidential election alongside critiques of the nation's political system. It also features [...]

Spheric: Red, White and Blues

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, includes a "special bulletin" that details proposed CUNY budget cuts and tuition increases as well as the efforts undertaken by the Students Liberation [...]

Student Power Movement, No Cops

This flier produced by the Student Power Movement urges students to resist the increased police presence in schools, on CUNY campuses, and in NYC communities.

Ann Reynolds #1 Enemy of CUNY

This black and white flier has a picture of Wynetka "Ann" Reynolds, chancellor of CUNY. Activists chose the chancellor as a target to draw attention to their struggle for access to CUNY and quality public education.

"Taught" by Marie Jean Lederman, 1973

In this piece of narrative nonfiction, Baruch College Professor Marie Jean Lederman reflects on her experience teaching remedial Freshman English at the University Center SEEK in the late 1960s.

Protestors Take Stand Against CUNY Hikes

This September 2008 cover story in The Paper, CCNY's newspaper for people of African descent, reports on a demonstration against budget cuts and a tuition hike to CUNY.

Item Type: Text (Article / Essay)
The Village Voice:  Education Supplement "Public Enemies"

This Village Voice investigative piece identifies the well-heeled right-wing ideologues behind the attacks on access to higher education, with a specific focus on the effort to end open admissions at CUNY.

"Correcting Papers: The CUNY Protest You Didn't Hear About"

Esther Kaplan and Alisa Solomon of The Village Voice critique other newspapers' reports of the March 23, 1995 CUNY Coalition protest: "A tale of 'angry and violent' students? Village Voice reporters witnessed a different story: police so out of [...]

Director of Security's Resignation Letter, York College

York College Director of Security Winston A. Burrows' resignation letter explains that he is resigning after 17 years of service at York because he cannot become a party to the City University Director of Public Safety's plan to deny students their [...]

Slam! High School Organizing Program: Youth Rising

This publication was created by SLAM! to showcase poetry by the high school students in the SLAM! High School Organizing Program's creative writing workshop. The students learned poetry writing skills and discussed issues of police abuse, racial [...]

"A Community College Examines Its Community"

This article penned by Fern Khan examines LaGuardia Community College's efforts "to become more responsive to the varied needs of its community." This project consisted of an in-depth examination of social and economic characteristics of the [...]

"Education for Deaf Students at LaGuardia Community College"

This article from the CUNY Research Foundation's Annual Report of 1985 highlights the achievements of LaGuardia's programs for Deaf students.

Division of Continuing Education: Annual Report, 1979-80

The Division of Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College produced this Annual Report for 1979-80. It describes the Division's accomplishments, and the range of programs aimed at the diverse communities served by the college, and makes the [...]

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

LaGuardia Community College Division of Continuing Education: General Statement

This undated document details the accomplishments of the Division of Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College. The division's programs were designed to provide access to higher education for nontraditional learners and to respond to the [...]

"Governor Cuomo Visits LaGuardia CC's Program for the Deaf"

This article published in a CUNY-wide bulletin describes a visit by then-governor Mario Cuomo to LaGuardia's program for Deaf adults. Recognizing the success of the program, the governor pledged $125,000 in funding for the coming year.

Pathways to the Future: Annual Report, 1988-1989

The Annual Report for 1988-89, prepared by the Division of Adult and Continuing Education, details the array of programs developed by LaGuardia Community College staff to expand the educational reach of the college and meet the needs of its [...]

Project Enable: Training Program for Homeless Heads of Household Residing in Hotels/Shelters

This November 1986 report details the activities of a training program for homeless mothers in New York City conducted by LaGuardia Community College's Division of Continuing Education. The program, which covered personal counselling, job training [...]

Division of Adult and Continuing Education: Transition Report, March 1989

This 1989 report chronicles the growth of the LaGuardia Community College Division of Adult and Continuing Education since its inception in 1972. The report states: "The Division of Adult and Continuing Education was envisioned as a major outreach [...]

Educating Deaf Adults: The LaGuardia Community College Model

Among LaGuardia Community College's innovative programs was one aimed at Deaf learners that the New York Times called "the most comprehensive educational program for deaf persons in New York City." Under the LaGuardia model, Deaf students were [...]

Coalition Press, c. 1995

A student activist newspaper produced by CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts - an organization that consisted of concerned students and faculty. The demands included no tuition hikes, no budget cuts and a restoration of funding for remedial programs [...]

MUMIA - Youth Rising Summer 2000

Mumia Youth Rising was produced by SLAM! High School Organizing Program, an initiative that offered workshops to public school students in which they addressed racism, prison justice and activism. This publication contains student produced articles [...]

"Acorralados, La Policia Responde Con Violencia a Manifestacion Estudiantil"

March 24, 1995 front page coverage in NYC Spanish daily newspaper of the CUNY Coalition protest at City Hall.

“City University Students at Federal Hall in 1989 protesting a proposed tuition increase.”

CUNY students held strikes and building occupations in 1989 when Governor Mario Cuomo and the CUNY Board of Trustees announced yet another $200 tuition increase. This mass rally was held at Federal Hall, near Wall Street.

PSC-CUNY Joins Anti-War Demonstration in Washington, DC

Professional Staff Congress joins anti-war rally in front of the capital building in Washington, DC.

Professional Staff Congress Joins Anti-War Protest in Washington D.C.

Photograph of Professional Staff Congress, the union of CUNY faculty and staff, demonstrating with students in Washington, D.C., 2011.

No Cops, No Hikes — CUNY Wide Convergence

This flier for a May 10, 2012 protest at Hunter College, invited students to participate in a rally against both an increasing police presence on CUNY campuses and increasing tuition costs. In effort to rally supporters, the two groups responsible [...]

Professional Staff Congress: BMCC Chapter Newsletter, March 29, 1974

This newsletter from the Professional Staff Congress chapter at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) contains advice on sabbaticals and the text of recent motions critical of Edgar Draper, president of BMCC. The Professional Staff [...]

Action, April 1968

This issue of Action includes a detailed account of a City College professor's experience working within CCNY's "Pre-Baccalaureate Program," news of an upcoming collective bargaining vote, and editorials regarding various university-wide [...]

Action, April 1969

This issue of Action features stories on recent CUNY budget cuts largely attributable to a $70 million shortfall between city appropriations and CUNY requests. Also found in the paper are articles detailing new union demands for lecturers, [...]

Action, February 1969

This edition of Action leads with the results of a recent CUNY-wide faculty vote regarding union representation. It also includes articles covering the UFCT's legislative efforts in Albany, ongoing threats to CUNY's budget, as well as book [...]

Action, May-June 1969

This issue of Action features a "forum" of five CUNY faculty reflecting on the "turmoil" present on college campuses across the nation. The professors' contributions reflect several perspectives on student protest efforts and the larger issues [...]

Action, November 1968

This edition of Action announces the upcoming election of a "collective bargaining agent" for CUNY faculty. The faculty are set to choose between the UFCT (the publisher of this paper), the Legislative Conference, or no organizational representation [...]

The Gadfly, April 1968

This issue of The Gadfly includes announcements of upcoming union chapter meetings as well as a response, from BMCC Professor Mayer Rossabi, to the piece "On A Revolutionary Purpose for the Union," published in the May 1967 issue.The [...]

The Gadfly, February 1967

This issue of The Gadfly contains editorials, a message from the president of the UFCT's New York Local, a continued critique of the accreditation process (part one found in December 1966 issue), and short fiction by faculty. The Gadfly was the [...]

The Gadfly, March 1966

This issue of The Gadfly opens with the announcement of an emergency meeting to discuss the dismissal of a speech instructor. The rest of the paper outlines a defense of the instructor as well as an indictment of the procedures leading to his [...]

The Gadfly, March 1967

This issue of The Gadfly leads with a series of articles regarding a proposed CUNY campus to be located in Harlem. Also found is an introduction to CUNY’s new “College Discovery Program,” a critique of Playboy magazine, and [...]

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