A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 1048 items that match your search.

Hostos Students Occupy Building

This April 12th, 1978 clipping from the Guardian describes the takeover of the 500 Grand Concourse building by Hostos Community College students and faculty to raise awareness about the college’s need for funding to complete renovations. The [...]

Hostos Students and Faculty March

This April 28th, 1978 clipping from the Daily World shows an image of a student and faculty march to Gracie Mansion to raise awareness about Hostos Community College’s need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the [...]

"Atención Compañeros, el edificio "500" ha sido Tomado"

"Attention, Comrades, the '500' building has been taken over and we need your support - now" is the translation of the flier announcing the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building. By 1977, the third part of the campaign to save Hostos [...]

Letter to Protest 'Meeting of the Whole'

Central to the founders of the Women's Studies Program and Women's Center at Brooklyn College were issues of access, collaborative input, and community inclusion in decision making. The frameworks they shaped were informed by a feminist analysis of [...]

Minutes of the Women's Studies Committee of the Whole

In an effort to decentralize decision-making power and include multiple perspectives both in program governance and in courses taught, the Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program created new and innovative structures for its operations. Rather than [...]

"NYSTA Outlines Merger Plan to Rival New York City Group"

In this press release, representatives from the New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) propose steps for a merger with the United Teachers of New York (UTNY). The NYSTA had previously been affiliated with the National Education Association [...]

Strategy Memo to Campaign Staff

Bruce MacDonald lays out the strategy for what he believes will allow the Legislative Conference (LC) to triumph against the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) as the single bargaining unit for CUNY faculty and staff in the upcoming [...]

Joint Statement of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler on Merger

In this statement, President Belle Zeller of the Legislative Conference and President Israel Kugler of the United Federation of College Teachers announce the merger of the two rival unions, and call on the members of each organization to ratify the [...]

NYSTA-UTNY Merger Agreement

This lengthy document lays out the terms of the merger between the New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) and the United Teachers of New York (UTNY) set to take place on April 4, 1972. Previously the NYSTA had been affiliated with the National [...]

PSC Administrative Council

This document lists the names of the first members of the Administrative Council for the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC). Created out of a merger between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers [...]

PSC Interim Governance Plan

This item details the structure of the new Professional Staff Congress' (PSC) Administrative Council, Delegate Assembly and chapters. It was based on the principle of equal representation from the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United [...]

Letter from Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler to All CUNY Faculty and Staff

Following the merger of the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers on April 14, 1972, the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) faced an immediate challenge when CUNY administration refused to recognize the new [...]

"Chancellor Rebuffed"

This press release from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) announces the recent vote from CUNY faculty and staff in favor of a single bargaining unit instead of the three preferred by CUNY administration. Overwhelmingly in favor of single [...]

Eco De Hostos, Edición Especial, Hostos Community College, Diciembre 1974

Eco de Hostos was a bilingual student newspaper published monthly by the Office of College Relations and Development. This December 1974 issue (Spanish language edition) features an article about students, faculty and the PSC protesting against [...]

Public Employment Relations Board: Certification of Representation and Order to Negotiate

This document from the Public Employment Relations Board, a New York State agency, certifies the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) as the union representation for CUNY instructional staff. Issued in June 1972, the order by PERB followed [...]

"Zeller, Polishook Win Top Posts"

The first article from this issue of The New York Teacher, the monthly newspaper of the New York State United Teachers federation, reports the results of the first Professional Staff Congress (PSC) election held in April 1973. Belle [...]

Edgar Pauk Statement on Union Merger

In this draft document, Edgar Pauk, a lecturer at Queens College and vice president of the 4-year public college unit of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), announces his break with the union's leader, Israel Kugler, stating that he [...]

First Contract Meeting

This photograph shows the first meeting of the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) contract negotiating committee with CUNY administration. Negotiations were difficult and an agreement was not reached until July 1973. Pictured here from [...]

Suspended Faculty Reading Flier at Peace Rally

This photograph shows nine of the eleven City College faculty and staff members that were suspended on April 22, 1941 as a result of the Rapp-Coudert hearings. The New York State sanctioned hearings sought to weed out "subversive influences" and [...]

"Winter Soldiers - The Story of a Conspiracy Against the Schools"

Published in 1941 by the Committee for Defense of Public Education, a joint committee of the Teachers Union and the College Teachers Union, Winter Soldiers tells the story of the Rapp-Coudert hearings and New York State's efforts to rid its [...]

Two Photographs from 1969 Demonstration

These uncaptioned images accompanied an article in the May 1969 issue of Action, the monthly newspaper of the United Federation of College Teachers. Clearly representing a range of organizations and political positions, the focus of this [...]

Oral History Interview with Tucker Pamella Farley

This oral history interview was conducted with Tucker Pamella Farley, a founding member of the Brooklyn College Women’s Organization. In it, she discusses the political climate of the 1960s through the 1980s and the range of activities, actions, [...]

"A Bright New 'Downtown' Is Taking Shape in Queens"

This New York Times article from June 2nd 1972 discusses the progress and development of a once "ambitious" construction plan on Jamaica Avenue in Queens. The plan, which set about for the "radical transformation" of the area, focused, in no [...]

York College News Release on Training Program

This press release from York College announces the creation of a "training program in community development for community leaders of Jamaica." Funded by a federal grant as well as support from York College, the announced program would feature six [...]

Press Release on York College Urban Studies Training Program

In this press release, York College officials announce the start of the newly created Urban Studies Training Program during the Fall 1971 semester. Originally announced in May '71, the program offered a variety of courses "designed to train [...]

York College Press Release about Training Program and Public Events for Black Community

This press release from York College features statements from state assemblyman Guy Brewer as promotion for the college's community-focused urban studies training program. Brewer, a lecturer in said program, is quoted urging Jamaica, Queens leaders [...]

"York College Profile"

This short profile of York College was likely produced by the college itself in September 1977. The one-page item briefly traces the history of the college from its establishment in 1966 and its temporary housing in Queensborough Community College [...]

Spirit Magazine, Spring 1974

This is an excerpt from the Spring 1974 issue of the York College student-produced Spirit Magazine. Included in this selection is a call from Frank Tucker, the magazine's editor-in-chief, for greater student involvement and increased financial [...]

Spirit Magazine, December 1974

This excerpt from the December 1974 issue of York College's Spirit Magazine features student-produced artwork, poetry, and journalism. A self-described "third world publication," the magazine typically focused on the needs and concerns of [...]

Spirit Magazine, February 1975

In this article excerpted from the December 1975 issue of York College student-run Spirit Magazine, managing editor Teddy DuBose decries proposed budget cuts to CUNY institutions at the height of the 1970s fiscal crisis in New York. DuBose [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1975

These selections are from the April 1975 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. The publication typically focused on the concerns and needs of the college's large black student population.The magazine's cover features [...]

Spirit Magazine, December 1975

Feauturing an illlustration of Muhammed Ali on its cover, in this edition of the December 1975 issue of Spirit Magazine, the publication's editor-in-chief, Frank Tucker, bemoans the less than satisfactory support given to Spirit from York [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1976

This is an extract from the April 1976 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Each of the selections from this issue: the cover, the editorial, and the letter to the editor, reflect ongoing fears from students regarding the future of [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, December 1978

This is the cover of the December 1978 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Feauturing drawings depicting African-American women and men over the continent of Africa, it also includes a quote that aptly reflects the mission of [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, January 1979

The variety of the headlines found on this cover of the January 1979 issue of Spirit Magazine reflect the many concerns of the York College student-run publication. Framed as hopes for the upcoming year, the magazine calls for: a continued fight [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, April 1979

This is the cover of the April 1979 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Featuring a quote from Afro-Carribbean philosopher and writer, Frantz Fanon, the page introduces the issue's theme of "The Wretched of the Earth," a [...]

"Ah-Haiti: Glimpses of Voodoo"

This  advertisement from an issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine, demonstrates the strong relationship between students at the college and the surrounding community. The ad announces a photography exhibition entitled [...]

Spirit Magazine, January 1974

This is an excerpt from the January-February 1974 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. A brief article on the second page announces the college's creation of an African-American Studies program and the following article [...]

"Education is a Right"

"Education is a Right" produced in 1994 by Labor at the Crossroads, also known as Labor X, sought to understand some of the protest tactics, which made the 1989 CUNY strikes at least temporarily successful in fighting tuition hikes. In light of [...]

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