We found 2 items that match your search.
ACT UP Flyer: Education is a Right, Fight, Fight, Fight
In this statement of solidarity with City Unversity of New York (CUNY) Student Strikers, members of Activistas Latinas/os Contra SIDA of ACT UP/NY drew parallels between cuts to education and cuts to health care. The flyer emphasized [...]
Item Type: Text
Time Period: 1978-1992 Retrenchment - Austerity - Tuition
Pataki: Anti-Budget Cuts Sticker
A two-color sticker with an image of Pataki with "devil" horns. The sticker explains that the estimated projected tax savings for a family earning $50,000/year would be $20, while programs for students, the elderly and the poor would be cut. [...]
Item Type: Text (Sticker / Button)