We found 1048 items that match your search.
"Coudert Victims Suffer Tragic Fate in Witch-Hunt"
This article and accompanying photo from The Daily Worker, the official newspaper of the Communist Party, features comments from labor leader Bella Dodd highlighting the plight faced by many of City College's instructors whose futures were in [...]
Rally against the Rapp-Coudert Committee: "Defend our Right to Freedom of Thought and Action"
Taken during the Rapp-Coudert Committee hearings sometime between 1940 and 1942, this photograph shows demonstrators protesting against the statewide hunt for "subversive activities" and persons in New York's public schools and colleges. Supporters [...]
"Free Morris Schappes"
This is the logo of the Schappes Defense Committee. The group was formed shortly after City College English instructor Morris Schappes was sentenced to prison for failing to divulge the names of his fellow communists on the faculty at CCNY. At a [...]
Morris Schappes at Desk
This is an undated photograph of City College English instructor Morris Schappes. Schappes, a self-confessed communist, was himself twice a cause célèbre at CCNY. In April 1936, Schappes was fired after speaking on behalf of the faculty organized [...]
"Strike Against War"
This undated flier, likely from the mid-to-late 1930s, advertises just one of many similar anti-war and anti-fascism demonstrations on the City College campus. The left-leaning groups at CCNY scheduled such protests regularly, in conjunction with [...]
"In the Case of Morris U. Schappes"
This page from a mid-1941 pamphlet was created to support recently fired and sentenced City College English instructor Morris Schappes. A self-confessed Communist, Schappes had appeared before the Rapp-Coudert Committee, a N.Y. State organized [...]
"Rapp-Coudert Committee Subpoenas Schappes-Edel"
This cover of an issue of The CCNY Student features an especially critical reaction to the ongoing Rapp-Coudert hearings of 1940-41. Produced by the American Student Union, a national left-wing student organization, the cover's [...]
AFT Meeting: "Free Schools - Free People"
This photograph shows Dr. Bella Dodd, legislative director of the New York Teachers Union and an organizer for the Communist Party, addressing a crowd in protest of the Rapp-Coudert hearings on December 11, 1940, at the Manhattan Center. The [...]
Charles Hendley Protesting the Rapp-Coudert Committee
This photograph shows Charles Hendley, president of the Teachers Union, addressing over 2,000 to protest the Rapp-Coudert Committee at the Manhattan Center on November 10, 1940. The Rapp-Coudert Committee, a New York State initiative, was [...]
"Section of 1937 May Day Parade of 250,000"
This clipping from the April 1938 edition of the Daily Worker shows marchers from a local chapter of the Teachers Union, affiliated with the A.F.L., taking part in the May Day parade of 1937. The paraders marched down 8th, 9th, and 10th Avenues [...]
Advertisement for "Mock Trial of President Robinson"
This clipping from The Student Advocate advertises a student-run mock trial of City College President Frederick B. Robinson at Irving Plaza on May 16, 1936. The trial centered on the recent firing of CCNY Professor Morris Schappes. Schappes, an [...]
Cartoon of President Robinson Stomping on Protest Signs
This illustration depicts City College President Frederick B. Robinson stomping on anti-war protest signs from an April 22, 1937 CCNY student rally. During his time at City College, Robinson drew extraordinary criticism from left-leaning student [...]
"Strike at 11am To-Day," April 12, 1935
This flier advertises an April 12, 1935 anti-war demonstration at the City College of New York (CCNY). The 11am rally was part of a nationwide day of protest and attracted front-page coverage from the New York Times the following day with the [...]
"Strike Today for: Reinstatement of 21 Expelled Students - Ousting of Pres. Robinson"
This flier, from November 20, 1934, advertises a demonstration calling for the reinstatement of twenty-one expelled City College (CCNY) students as well as the removal of college president, Frederick B. Robinson. The twenty-one were expelled [...]
Rally on CCNY Quad, November, 20, 1934
This photograph was taken at the November 20, 1934 rally at CCNY. The demonstration was held to demand the reinstatement of twenty-one expelled students as well as the removal of college president, Frederick B. Robinson. The twenty-one were expelled [...]
"Strike Today," 1933
One day after an anti-war/anti-ROTC demonstration that led to the suspensions of students, clubs, and campus publications, student activists assembled again, only this time to protest their treatment at (and the consequences of) the prior day's [...]
Anti-War & Anti-ROTC Rally, May 1933
This photograph captures student demonstrators on "Jingo Day" at City College (CCNY) on May 29, 1933. Their march, in protest of an ROTC review scheduled on campus at Lewisohn Stadium, would escalate with the arrival of police officers who had been [...]
Twin Effigy of President Robinson and Italian Premier Mussolini at Protest
This photograph from a November 20, 1934 rally at City College (CCNY), features a student-made, two-headed effigy of CCNY President Frederick B. Robinson and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini. After being paraded around campus throughout the [...]
"Reinstate Schappes" Rally
This photograph comes from a 1941 student rally in support of City College English instructor Morris Schappes, a self-avowed communist sentenced to prison for failing to divulge the names of his fellow party members on the faculty at CCNY. At a [...]
Nine Police Surveillance Photographs — 1941 May Day Parade
These surveillance photographs were taken by the New York City Police Department on May Day 1941. The images show participants from multiple City College student and faculty organizations including a chapter of the American Student Union. Marchers [...]
Letter from Wilfred A. Callender to Alfred Giardino: Concerns About Limited Space at Hostos
In this letter to the chairman of the Board of Higher Education in 1974, Hostos English professor, and Chapter Grievance Counselor, Wilfred Callender describes the inadequacy of the facilities at Hostos, pointing out how poor infrastructure has [...]
Dorothy Harris in Protest Over Space at Hostos
This clipping of the May 2,1974 issue of The Clarion shows an image of student Dorothy Harris alongside an article on the campaign to secure more space for Hostos Community College. The Clarion was a widely read newspaper issued by the Professional [...]
El Machete Rojo: The Administration of Hostos
El Machete Rojo was a leaflet produced by the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. This leaflet shows fracturing between the students at Hostos and the administration over the firing of some faculty members who were involved in activist efforts dedicated [...]
"Save Hostos Now!"
In March of 1975, the Community Coalition to Save Hostos took over the school in protest over the Board of Higher Education’s decision to close Hostos Community College. This flier announces the occupation of the school and articulates the demands [...]
Student Government Organization Bilingual Newsletter: Student Government Office Vandalism
The Student Government Organization published this bilingual newsletter in 1975 to publicize that their offices and the offices of fellow student groups had been searched and robbed in the wake of the occupation of Hostos Community College. The [...]
Hostos Student Coalition: Candidates for Student Senate
This flier introduces the candidates for Student Senate at Hostos Community College. Many of them were activists in the occupation of the school and the effort to prevent it from being closed by the Board of Higher Education.
The Frederick Douglass Society, CCNY 1941
This 1941 photograph shows the members of the Frederick Douglass Society at City College (CCNY). The group, originally established in 1921 by ten black students, was one of the most active clubs on campus and, for several years, campaigned for the [...]
Women's Studies Program Report of Activities
This report outlines the academic and outreach activities conducted by the Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College during first year the BA was offered. This document offers a record of the establishment of program governance, collaborations [...]
Women's Studies Program Catalog
This catalog outlines the feminist perspectives and pedagogies used to establish the Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College. The program was governed by a steering committee of faculty, students, and staff, and included co-coordinators who [...]
"Students, Professors, and Community People were 'Arrested' By Orders of All Deans"
This 1975 flier, produced in English and Spanish, announced the arrest of those who occupied Hostos Community College in protest of the Board of Higher Education's decision to close it. This flier blames those arrests on the school's administration [...]
"Why Struggle? For Hostos and Education"
This leaflet, distributed by the Community Coalition to Save Hostos, announces a march to the headquarters of the Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) in May of 1976. The EFCB was the body put in place to manage the budget crisis plaguing New [...]
De Hostos Echo, November - December, 1975
De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This November/December 1975 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save the school from closure in order to deal with budget cuts. Stories also include tips for [...]
Letter to Mayor Abraham Beame from Charles B. Rangel: Notice of Potential Hostos Closure
Congressman Charles Rangel wrote this letter to Mayor Abe Beame in November of 1975 to convey his opposition to the closure of Hostos Community College as a means to achieve budget cutbacks for the city. As the United States Congressman representing [...]
De Hostos Echo, December, 1974
De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This 1974 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save CUNY from budget cuts. Stories also include editorials on student activism and engagement, a mission [...]
First Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program Poster
The first poster for the co-major in Women's Studies at Brooklyn College was created in 1974 by art department faculty member Fredrica Wachsberger, co-coordinator of the program from 1975-1979. Marketing efforts for the new program paid off, and the [...]
"Strategies for Survival" Conference Poster
The first conference put on by the Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program was held in 1975, one year after the co-major was officially approved. The title of the conference was "Strategies for Survival" and the poster was designed by art [...]
Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program Coordinators (1974 – Spring 2016)
This list of Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program Coordinators (1974 – Spring 2016) names the faculty and years they led the program and demonstrates the co-coordinator model in the beginning of the program's history with the aim of [...]
Proposal for a Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College
This proposal for a Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College describes a nationwide demand for courses on the subject. The document illuminates the co-founders' preliminary arguments for such a program, as well as their first ideas about how to [...]
Proposal for a Women's Center at Brooklyn College
Just after the establishment of the Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College, program co-founder Tucker Farley began to push for a Women's Center as a complementary counterpart to the academic program. This proposal envisions the Women's Center [...]
Memo to Brooklyn College Vice President John Quinn
This memo from the Women's Studies Steering Committee to Brooklyn College Vice President John Quinn (also the Committee Chairman on Structure) argues for the restructuring of interdisciplinary programs into a Women's Studies department, with the aim [...]