A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

"Citibank: The Pawnbroker"

This article in the Spheric newspaper from Hunter College investigates the potential exploitation of students and campuses by the proposed CUNY Card. Citibank would get fees from students as part of this proposed ID card that would also be an ATM card, and CUNY would pay for the production and administration of the cards.

Source | Subways, Suzy
Creator | Spheric student community news service
Date Created | 1998 (Circa)
Rights | Copyright Spheric student community news service
Item Type | Text (Article / Essay)
Cite This document | Spheric student community news service, “"Citibank: The Pawnbroker",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,

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