A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 80 items that match your search.

"Unity At Last: LC-UFCT Merger Proposed"

This memorandum to the memberships of both the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers came from the presidents of the two unions, Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler respectively. The memo announces the merger agreement [...]

Letter from UFCT President Israel Kugler to Frederick Burkhardt: Removal of Department Chairmen at Kingsborough Community College

This letter from UFCT President Israel Kugler stemmed from the unprecedented decision of the CUNY governing board to remove all department chairmen from the bargaining unit at Kingsborough Community College in July 1971. Although the UFCT did not [...]

LC-UFCT Merger Agreement

This is the full text of the merger agreement between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT). The agreement was approved by the governing board of each organization, and then by the membership of each [...]

Statements of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler before the Board of Higher Education

These statements were prepared shortly after the Legislative Conference, led by Belle Zeller, and the United Federation of College Teachers, led by Israel Kugler, merged to form the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) in April 1972. This marked the [...]

Labor Leaders at the Celebration of Merger

This photograph was taken at the CUNY Graduate Center on 42nd St at a celebration of the merger of CUNY's two professional unions, the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers, into the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). [...]

"BHE Freezes Salaries August 31"

In this memorandum to CUNY faculty and staff, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) attacks the tactics of the Board of Higher Education as the parties sought to negotiate the first contract following the merger of the Legislative Conference (LC) [...]

UFCT Hunter Viewpoint: "Close Ranks! Merge! Affiliate! Revel!"

This flier was issued by the chair of the Hunter College Chapter of the United Federation of College Teachers, Bill Leicht. It calls on the members to vote in favor of the proposed merger with rival union, the Legislative Conference. the flier also [...]

PSC Rally with Children

This photograph was used by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) as part of its campaign against a 50% tenure quota policy for academic departments that had been announced by Chancellor Robert Kibbee, and then approved by the Board of Higher [...]

Audience at First PSC Contract Rally

This October 1972 mass meeting at the Marc Ballroom at Union Square, New York came at a time when the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) was deadlocked with CUNY administration during negotiations for the union's first contract following its creation [...]

Lobby Efforts in Albany, NY

Belle Zeller, Professional Staff Congress (PSC) president, was a frequent visitor to the New York legislators, first on behalf of the Legislative Conference, and then, after the merger, for the PSC. Here, in 1973, she is joined by State Senator John [...]

Rally Demanding Progress in Contract Negotiations

This photograph captures a rally held by the Professional Staff Congress during their deadlock with CUNY administration over the terms of a new contract in 1973. As negotiations stalled, the PSC held a number of rallies demanding that CUNY [...]

Bus Ride to Albany Rally

Belle Zeller, Professional Staff Congress (PSC) president, can be seen at the right with Israel Kugler, the union's deputy president standing at the back. The photo was taken on a bus trip to Albany to rally in support of Open Admissions. The PSC [...]

Picketing at Baruch College

The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) picketed in favor of Open Admissions, among other things, in front of Baruch College in February 1973. Their efforts to save Open Admissions from budget cuts presaged the struggles that would come with fiscal [...]

Tenure Quota Rally

Carrying a sign that reads "Tenure Means Academic Freedom," Irwin Polishook, Vice President of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), is joined by Carol Brandon, a union leader from the Borough of Manhattan Community College, at a rally against [...]

PSC Contract Rally

The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) struggled to win its first contract from CUNY in 1972 and 1973. It called on support from others in the labor movement to help put pressure on the CUNY administration. At this meeting, President Belle Zeller of [...]

General Membership Meeting - Hostos PSC Chapter

This flier announces a general membership meeting of the Hostos Community College chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). The PSC is the union that represents faculty and staff employed by the City University of New York. The PSC was a [...]

Letter to PSC President Irwin H. Polishook from Candido Antonio de Leon, Hostos President

By June of 1976, when it became clear that Hostos Community College would be saved from closure, the President of the college, Candido Antonio de Leon wrote a letter to the President of the Professional Staff Congress, Irwin Polishook, thanking him [...]

Gerald Meyer Statement on the 500 Grand Concourse Building

Gerald Meyer, a founding faculty member at Hostos Community College and President of the Hostos chapter of the Professional Staff Congress made this statement at a press conference held on March 30, 1976. The statement articulates that facilities at [...]

"NYSTA Outlines Merger Plan to Rival New York City Group"

In this press release, representatives from the New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) propose steps for a merger with the United Teachers of New York (UTNY). The NYSTA had previously been affiliated with the National Education Association [...]

Strategy Memo to Campaign Staff

Bruce MacDonald lays out the strategy for what he believes will allow the Legislative Conference (LC) to triumph against the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) as the single bargaining unit for CUNY faculty and staff in the upcoming [...]

Joint Statement of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler on Merger

In this statement, President Belle Zeller of the Legislative Conference and President Israel Kugler of the United Federation of College Teachers announce the merger of the two rival unions, and call on the members of each organization to ratify the [...]

NYSTA-UTNY Merger Agreement

This lengthy document lays out the terms of the merger between the New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) and the United Teachers of New York (UTNY) set to take place on April 4, 1972. Previously the NYSTA had been affiliated with the National [...]

PSC Administrative Council

This document lists the names of the first members of the Administrative Council for the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC). Created out of a merger between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers [...]

PSC Interim Governance Plan

This item details the structure of the new Professional Staff Congress' (PSC) Administrative Council, Delegate Assembly and chapters. It was based on the principle of equal representation from the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United [...]

Letter from Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler to All CUNY Faculty and Staff

Following the merger of the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers on April 14, 1972, the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) faced an immediate challenge when CUNY administration refused to recognize the new [...]

"Chancellor Rebuffed"

This press release from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) announces the recent vote from CUNY faculty and staff in favor of a single bargaining unit instead of the three preferred by CUNY administration. Overwhelmingly in favor of single [...]

Eco De Hostos, Edición Especial, Hostos Community College, Diciembre 1974

Eco de Hostos was a bilingual student newspaper published monthly by the Office of College Relations and Development. This December 1974 issue (Spanish language edition) features an article about students, faculty and the PSC protesting against [...]

Public Employment Relations Board: Certification of Representation and Order to Negotiate

This document from the Public Employment Relations Board, a New York State agency, certifies the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) as the union representation for CUNY instructional staff. Issued in June 1972, the order by PERB followed [...]

"Zeller, Polishook Win Top Posts"

The first article from this issue of The New York Teacher, the monthly newspaper of the New York State United Teachers federation, reports the results of the first Professional Staff Congress (PSC) election held in April 1973. Belle [...]

Edgar Pauk Statement on Union Merger

In this draft document, Edgar Pauk, a lecturer at Queens College and vice president of the 4-year public college unit of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), announces his break with the union's leader, Israel Kugler, stating that he [...]

First Contract Meeting

This photograph shows the first meeting of the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) contract negotiating committee with CUNY administration. Negotiations were difficult and an agreement was not reached until July 1973. Pictured here from [...]

Oral History Interview with Irwin Yellowitz

This oral history interview was conducted by Bill Friedheim on November 5, 2014 at the offices of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). Irwin Yellowitz discusses his experience as a professor of history at City College of New York, events [...]

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