We found 5 items that match your search.
Notice of Appearance: PERB and the Part-Time and Instructional Research Staff Union
This December 2, 1986 Notice of Hearing, addressed to (but not confirmed by) the City University of New York and the Professional Staff Congress, announced that a hearing would be conducted on February 26, 1987 at the NYS Public Employment Relations [...]
Legal Objection to PTU Petition
This letter, sent in 1987 from the law offices of Guazzo, Perelson, Rushfield, and Guazzo, to the New York State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), indicated the Professionals Staff Congress's (PSC) objections to the Part-Time Instructional [...]
NY PERB: Improper Practice Charge
This NY Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) “Improper Practice Charge,” filed in 1974 by David Allen of the Adjunct Faculty Association, alleged that the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) deliberately entered into an labor agreement that [...]
Double Think on Unity: Vote UFCT
This flier was created by the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) in January 1972 and was designed to appeal to voters in an upcoming collective bargaining election for CUNY instructional staff. The election sought to establish a single [...]
Public Employment Relations Board: Certification of Representation and Order to Negotiate
This document from the Public Employment Relations Board, a New York State agency, certifies the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) as the union representation for CUNY instructional staff. Issued in June 1972, the order by PERB followed [...]