We found 30 items that match your search.
Adjunct Office Hours
In an October 14, 1998 memo sent to Professional Staff Congress (PSC) chapter chairs, President Irwin Polishook referenced past negotiations in which the PSC had endorsed payment for an adjunct office hour but failed to secure a contractual right to [...]
Fact Finding "Brief"
This excerpt from a Fact Finding "Brief" focused on CUNY's exploitative use of adjunct faculty following the advent in 1970 of open enrollment. Following a clarification of the types of part-time positions, the brief criticized low adjunct pay, [...]
Adjuncts Reject PSC Contract
Tom Lynch's 1973 article, “Adjuncts Reject PSC Contract,” published in The Meridian, The Student Voice of Lehman College, argued that the raise was inadequate in so far as it was lower than the cost of living and was less than what full-time [...]
New York Closeup (1998)
Hosted by Sam Roberts, this 1998 episode of NY1's "New York Closeup" features conversation between Roberts, Randy Mastro, deputy mayor, and Joseph Lhotta, city budget director. The episode opens on a discussion of CUNY and the city's proposal to [...]
Letter from the Adjuncts Benevolent Association to Mr. Polishook
This November 19, 1980 letter , addressed to Irwin Polishook of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) and sent on behalf of the Adjunct Benevolent Association, enumerated why the 9-hour teaching limitation that CUNY had institutionalized was [...]
Kroll Mask
This mask was made by the Graduate Center General Assembly for a "Kroll Monster" costume that was used in a series of agitprop materials to highlight CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein's relationship to Kroll, Inc. CUNY hired this security company to [...]
The Education Law: Chapter 407 of New York State Law (1926)
This 1926 amendment to the education law legislatively establishes the legal mandate to create the Board of Higher Education and thereby reasserts free tuition as a democratic right. It offers insights into how certain policy changes paved the way [...]
SLAM! Programs Brochure
This 5-page brochure includes a brief overview of SLAM's history up to the 1999-2000 school year, SLAM!'s 10-point program, and details on three campaigns SLAM! was organizing that year: the High School Organizing Committee, which worked with high [...]
"City's Personnel Policies Called Biased"
This New York Times article outlines charges against the city that alleged discrimination against women and racial minorities in hiring and promotions at CUNY. Women's Studies Program co-coordinators and Brooklyn College Women's Organization members [...]
Congresswoman Chisholm Letter to President Kneller on Sex Discrimination
The Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) was organized in the early 1970s by an interdisciplinary group of faculty across departments to address sex discrimination other issues facing women on campus. This letter from BCWO notifies the [...]
City Council Press Release on Sex Discrimination
This press release from the New York City Council Office of Public Information announces Councilmember Carol Greitzer's accusation that the Board of Education "discriminated against thousands of women employees at a financial loss running into the [...]
BCWO Goals, Letter to Pat Withner
In the early 1970s before the founding of the Women's Studies Program, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) addressed several concerns of women faculty and students at the college. Historian and co-founder Renate Bridenthal notifies the [...]
Letter from BCWO to President Kneller on Sex Discrimination
This letter to Brooklyn College president John Kneller informs him of the Brooklyn College Women's Organization's (BCWO) formation of "a Discrimination Committee to investigate charges of sex discrimination against any woman on campus, having [...]
Response to the Brooklyn College Women's Organization from President Kneller
In this letter addressed "Dear ladies," Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office delivers a dismissive response to complaints of sex discrimination and demands made by the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO). Kneller's office [...]
BWCO Response to President Kneller on Daycare
Responding to the dismissive tone of a letter from Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) wrote: "The tone and content of the letter...does not convey the cooperative spirit of which you [...]
Brooklyn College Women's Organization Executive Meeting Invite
The letter to the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) executive committee invites them to a meeting to plan for a general meeting later in the month. The invitation documents the activities of the first group to convene at the university to [...]
"U.S. Court Rules Against City U. in Sex-Bias Suit"
Ten years after a class action lawsuit was filed in 1973 by 25 women faculty across CUNY campuses, a federal judge ruled that CUNY had "discriminated unlawfully against women on its teaching staff for 15 years by paying them less than men in [...]
Free University Presents Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons
This workshops pamphlet was created for a May 25, 2014, Free University of New York City event "Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons" in Battery Park, NY. Workshops were held outdoors at Battery Park and included presentations on [...]
Oral History Interview with Renate Bridenthal
This oral history interview with Renate Bridenthal, a founding member of the Brooklyn College Women’s Organization, discusses the political climate at Brooklyn College from the 1960s through the 1980s amidst the historical backdrop of the various [...]
Handwritten Letter Concerning Responsibilities of Membership in the Professional Staff Congress
This letter from a nonmember of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) asks about the responsibilities of membership, particularly in regards to striking. The sender, a CUNY instructor, had been inquiring prior to deciding whether or not to join the [...]
William Canning during his Testimony
This photograph shows William Canning, an instructor in the City College history department, appearing before the Rapp-Coudert Committee. During his testimony, Canning, an ex-member of the Communist Party, disclosed the names of over fifty fellow [...]
Annette Gottsegen Taking Oath Before Testimony
This photograph shows Annette Sherman Gottsegen, a clerk at City College, taking an oath prior to her testimony against CCNY registrar John Ackley. Ackley would shortly thereafter be fired from his position. Gottsegen had previously been a member [...]
"Suspended City College Registrar at Opening of Trial"
This newspaper clipping shows suspended City College registrar John K. Ackley sitting at his trial before the Board of Higher Education. Ackley had been identified for his Communist ties by the Rapp-Coudert Committee in April 1941. By June, he was [...]
"In the Case of Morris U. Schappes"
This page from a mid-1941 pamphlet was created to support recently fired and sentenced City College English instructor Morris Schappes. A self-confessed Communist, Schappes had appeared before the Rapp-Coudert Committee, a N.Y. State organized [...]
"Rapp-Coudert Committee Subpoenas Schappes-Edel"
This cover of an issue of The CCNY Student features an especially critical reaction to the ongoing Rapp-Coudert hearings of 1940-41. Produced by the American Student Union, a national left-wing student organization, the cover's [...]
Oral History Interview with Tucker Pamella Farley
This oral history interview was conducted with Tucker Pamella Farley, a founding member of the Brooklyn College Women’s Organization. In it, she discusses the political climate of the 1960s through the 1980s and the range of activities, actions, [...]
May 14, 1969 Letter from Brooklyn College Acting President George Peck Announcing a Bail Review for Indicted Brooklyn College Students
A May 14, 1969 memo from Brooklyn College (BC) Acting President George Peck informed the college community about a bail review for BC students arrested during protests on the campus. The memo also stated Peck's commitment to confer with student [...]
Oral History Interview with Lilia Melani
“I was not interested in changing CUNY’s policies. I wanted to transform the very nature of the power structure.” – Lilia Melani Conducted in 2019, as part of the Professional Staff Congress' (PSC) oral history initiative, this interview [...]
Oral History Interview with Debra Bergen
In this oral history interview Debra Bergen, Director of Contract Administration at the PSC (Professional Staff Congress) from 1991 to 2017, discusses her early influences, the trajectory of her career and her contributions to the PSC. Born into a [...]
Oral History Interview with Nick Russo, PSC attorney
In this interview, conducted by Irwin Yellowitz, Nick Russo, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) lawyer of 28 years discusses many of the technical aspects of his career. He was hired in 1975 shortly after the Select Faculty Committee was [...]