We found 2 items that match your search.
Three 1970 photographs of BMCC mass meeting
Printed in Prism, the BMCC 1971 yearbook, these photographs are part of a series that documents the student takeover of one of the BMCC buildings in May 1970. Faculty members Bill Friedheim and Jim Perlstein are shown speaking in support of student [...]
Item Type: Image (Photograph)
Oral History Interview with Bill Friedheim
After completing his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Princeton and the University of Wisconsin, Bill Friedheim was hired at BMCC (Borough Manhattan Community College) in 1965 and retired 41 years later in 2006. Friedheim was politically active [...]
Item Type: Oral History (Digital)
Time Periods: 1961-1969 The Creation of CUNY - Open Admissions Struggle, 1970-1977 Open Admissions - Fiscal Crisis - State Takeover, 1978-1992 Retrenchment - Austerity - Tuition, 1993-1999 End of Remediation and Open Admissions in Senior Colleges, 2000-2010 Centralization of CUNY, 2010-2020 From OWS to Covid-19
Subjects: 1970s Fiscal Crisis, Activism, Community Colleges, Faculty Governance, Labor Unions, Politics, Retirees
Tags: American Social History Project (ASHP), Antonio Perez, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University Unity Caucus (CUUC), Edward Draper, Irwin Polishook, Israel Kugler, Jim Perlstein, Legislative Conference, Murray Block, New Caucus, Professional Staff Congress, September 11, 2001 (9/11), United Federation of College Teachers