We found 24 items that match your search.
Proposal for Merger - LC and UFCT
Pending member ratification, this merger proposal, dated March 28, 1972, ended the intense rivalry between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), resolving the issue of who would be the sole bargaining [...]
Letter from UFCT President Requesting Protest
In this letter to the membership of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), union president Israel Kugler stresses the UFCT’s support for both a more diverse student body at CUNY and the newly established Open Admissions program. Kugler [...]
"Sign the Petition for a New Collective Bargaining Election"
In this open letter from April 1971, Israel Kugler, president of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), first outlines some of the serious problems facing his union and CUNY. He then calls for a new collective bargaining election, with [...]
Letter from UFCT President Requesting Contributions to UFCT Legal Defense Fund
In this letter, Israel Kugler, president of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), asks for voluntary contributions to a Legal Defense Fund. The funds, he explains, would used to meet the high costs of implementing the contract of 1969 [...]
UFCT University Reporter: "Legislative Memorandum: Support Support Support"
This February 1968 memorandum was issued to the membership of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) by its president. Israel Kugler calls for support for legislation that would equalize the salaries and working conditions of senior [...]
"Unity At Last: LC-UFCT Merger Proposed"
This memorandum to the memberships of both the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers came from the presidents of the two unions, Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler respectively. The memo announces the merger agreement [...]
Letter from UFCT President Israel Kugler to Frederick Burkhardt: Removal of Department Chairmen at Kingsborough Community College
This letter from UFCT President Israel Kugler stemmed from the unprecedented decision of the CUNY governing board to remove all department chairmen from the bargaining unit at Kingsborough Community College in July 1971. Although the UFCT did not [...]
Statements of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler before the Board of Higher Education
These statements were prepared shortly after the Legislative Conference, led by Belle Zeller, and the United Federation of College Teachers, led by Israel Kugler, merged to form the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) in April 1972. This marked the [...]
Labor Leaders at the Celebration of Merger
This photograph was taken at the CUNY Graduate Center on 42nd St at a celebration of the merger of CUNY's two professional unions, the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers, into the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). [...]
"BHE Freezes Salaries August 31"
In this memorandum to CUNY faculty and staff, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) attacks the tactics of the Board of Higher Education as the parties sought to negotiate the first contract following the merger of the Legislative Conference (LC) [...]
UFCT Legislative Memo: Petition Against State Budget Cuts
This memo was issued to the members of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) on behalf of union president Israel Kugler. It announces a petition drive against proposed budget cuts at CUNY. The document illustrates that even in times of [...]
Bus Ride to Albany Rally
Belle Zeller, Professional Staff Congress (PSC) president, can be seen at the right with Israel Kugler, the union's deputy president standing at the back. The photo was taken on a bus trip to Albany to rally in support of Open Admissions. The PSC [...]
Picketing at Baruch College
The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) picketed in favor of Open Admissions, among other things, in front of Baruch College in February 1973. Their efforts to save Open Admissions from budget cuts presaged the struggles that would come with fiscal [...]
PSC Contract Rally
The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) struggled to win its first contract from CUNY in 1972 and 1973. It called on support from others in the labor movement to help put pressure on the CUNY administration. At this meeting, President Belle Zeller of [...]
Israel Kugler Biographical Video
Produced by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the union which represents CUNY faculty and staff, this short video features the life of Israel Kugler, a labor leader for faculty at several New York colleges and a “pioneer in academic [...]
Joint Statement of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler on Merger
In this statement, President Belle Zeller of the Legislative Conference and President Israel Kugler of the United Federation of College Teachers announce the merger of the two rival unions, and call on the members of each organization to ratify the [...]
PSC Administrative Council
This document lists the names of the first members of the Administrative Council for the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC). Created out of a merger between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers [...]
PSC Interim Governance Plan
This item details the structure of the new Professional Staff Congress' (PSC) Administrative Council, Delegate Assembly and chapters. It was based on the principle of equal representation from the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United [...]
Letter from Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler to All CUNY Faculty and Staff
Following the merger of the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers on April 14, 1972, the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) faced an immediate challenge when CUNY administration refused to recognize the new [...]
"Chancellor Rebuffed"
This press release from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) announces the recent vote from CUNY faculty and staff in favor of a single bargaining unit instead of the three preferred by CUNY administration. Overwhelmingly in favor of single [...]
"Zeller, Polishook Win Top Posts"
The first article from this issue of The New York Teacher, the monthly newspaper of the New York State United Teachers federation, reports the results of the first Professional Staff Congress (PSC) election held in April 1973. Belle [...]
Edgar Pauk Statement on Union Merger
In this draft document, Edgar Pauk, a lecturer at Queens College and vice president of the 4-year public college unit of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), announces his break with the union's leader, Israel Kugler, stating that he [...]
First Contract Meeting
This photograph shows the first meeting of the newly formed Professional Staff Congress (PSC) contract negotiating committee with CUNY administration. Negotiations were difficult and an agreement was not reached until July 1973. Pictured here from [...]
Oral History Interview with Bill Friedheim
After completing his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Princeton and the University of Wisconsin, Bill Friedheim was hired at BMCC (Borough Manhattan Community College) in 1965 and retired 41 years later in 2006. Friedheim was politically active [...]