A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

PSC/CUNY Executive Council Resolution on the Proposed Elimination of Hostos Community College

In 1976, the Executive Council of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) produced this resolution to convey their opposition to the proposal to close multiple community college campuses in New York City’s effort to save money. They also resolved to use all of their political resources to defeat the proposal and hold a demonstration to help to unify and build opposition to the proposal. The PSC, the union that represents faculty and staff employed by the City University of New York, was a crucial collaborator in all three campaigns to save Hostos Community College from inadequate facilities, budget cuts, and closure threats.

In 1975, the New York City fiscal crisis led to efforts by city officials and the CUNY administration to close or merge multiple campuses in order to pay back debt that was owed to major banks. Hostos Community College was slated to merge with Bronx Community College in order to dramatically cut spending. It was this threat that led to the second iteration of organizing to save Hostos. Determined to preserve Hostos for the South Bronx as a place for students to pursue a bilingual higher education, students, faculty, the PSC, and community groups joined forces to keep Hostos open.

Source | Hostos Community College Archives
Creator | PSC CUNY Executive Council
Date Created | February 26, 1976
Rights | Public Domain.
Item Type | Text (Resolution / Legislation)
Cite This document | PSC CUNY Executive Council, “PSC/CUNY Executive Council Resolution on the Proposed Elimination of Hostos Community College,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,


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