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UFCT Hunter Viewpoint: "Close Ranks! Merge! Affiliate! Revel!"

This flier was issued by the chair of the Hunter College Chapter of the United Federation of College Teachers, Bill Leicht. It calls on the members to vote in favor of the proposed merger with rival union, the Legislative Conference. the flier also celebrates the rehiring of Leicht after he won a grievance. Ultimately, substantial majorities of each union voted in favor of the merger. The new union, the Professional Staff Congress/CUNY (PSC), came into existence on April 14, 1972.

Source | Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Creator | Leicht, Bill
Date Created | April 4, 1972
Rights | Obtain From Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Item Type | Text (Flier / Leaflet (1 or 2 page handout))
Cite This document | Leicht, Bill, “UFCT Hunter Viewpoint: "Close Ranks! Merge! Affiliate! Revel!",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,

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