We found 16 items that match your search.
Newt Davidson Parody: Memo to Gov. Rockefeller on CUNY Planning
This recently discovered (August 2017) document from the papers of historian Judith Stein, is the only extant example of what preceded the Crisis at CUNY brochure. As explained in the interview done with four members of the Newt Davidson Collective, [...]
Letter to Gov. Cuomo Regarding CUNY Cuts
This petition, signed by various CUNY faculty and staff in May 2020, argued against proposed CUNY cuts during the COVID-19 crisis. The signers asked then New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to reverse his decision. Directly addressed to the major [...]
Tweet: Thanks @AOC for Standing with @CUNY Adjuncts
This tweet from the CUNY Professional Staff Congress (the union of CUNY faculty, staff and graduate students) from May 2020, recognized U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's public support for funding CUNY, a perhaps too rare example from a [...]
Tweet: Thank you @SenGianaris for calling for new revenues to protect adjunct jobs and the quality of a @CUNY education.
This tweet by the CUNY Professional Staff Congress (the union of CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students) from May 2020 recognized New York State Senator Michael Gianaris's public support for funding CUNY, a important example of an expression of [...]
Tweet: Thanks @agounardes for being a strong advocate for @CUNY and for joining us today to fight for adjunct jobs and new taxes on the rich to protect public education.
This tweet by the CUNY Professional Staff Congress (the union of CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students) from May 2020 recognized New York State Senator Andrew Gounardes's support for funding CUNY, an example of an expression of solidarity for [...]
This tweet from May 2020 described auto caravan protests against cuts at CUNY. It documented community-wide activism and solidarity in support of CUNY's long fight against austerity policies. This item is part of the City University of New York [...]
Oral History Interview with Provost Basil Wilson for a History of John Jay College of Criminal Justice
This 1999 videotaped interview with Basil Wilson, provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, was conducted by Professor Jerry Markowitz for Educating for Justice, a history of John Jay [...]
PSC-CUNY Joins Anti-War Demonstration in Washington, DC
Professional Staff Congress joins anti-war rally in front of the capital building in Washington, DC.
Letter from UFCT President Requesting Protest
In this letter to the membership of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), union president Israel Kugler stresses the UFCT’s support for both a more diverse student body at CUNY and the newly established Open Admissions program. Kugler [...]
Tweet: My CUNY students are literally driving delivery trucks while taking online classes
This tweet from August 2020 by a CUNY faculty member responded to US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez support for CUNY by highlighting CUNY students' essential labor while they are trying to learn at CUNY in the midst of the pandemic. This [...]
"Cutting Us to the Bone is No Way to Run a University System" (Queens Daily Eagle)
This Queens Eagle article, written in May 2020 by a Queens College professor in the English Department, describes budget cuts at CUNY in general and i as they relate to the history of Queens College in particular. The focus on a single CUNY college [...]
"Looming CUNY Budget Cuts Have Faculty and Students Fearing for the Future" (The City)
This May 2020 article in The City on CUNY budget cuts by a reporter who is also a CUNY alum, included testimonials by various CUNY students as well as provided context for the budget cuts in terms of federal and state funding. It also spoke to the [...]
Open Letter of Commitment to Resist Cuts at CUNY: No Cuts, No Layoffs, No Class Size Increases, No Non-Reappointments
This widely circulated open letter from Rank and File Action (a group of militant activists at CUNY challenging the culture of austerity in public higher education) argued against budget cuts at CUNY. This document specifically addressed activism in [...]
CUNY Adjuncts, Union, A.O.C .and NYS Lawmakers Demand Jobs and New Taxes on the Rich
This May 2020 PSC slideshow argues for taxing wealthy New Yorkers in order to protect CUNY's budget, documented the increased reliance on contingent labor at CUNY (more than half of the teaching faculty) as well as the planned austerity cuts of up [...]
Caravan protest to save lives, save jobs and save CUNY in Brooklyn
Photographs and brief article from the artist and activist Erik McGregor that documented the Brooklyn caravan against cuts at CUNY. In addition to providing further documentation of these caravans across the city, McGregor's post provides important [...]
Tweet: #SaveJobsFundCUNY #CutCovidnotCUNY #MakeBillionairesPay
This Twitter thread from the Professional Staff Congress documents the caravan to save jobs and fund CUNY; it includes images of protestors on foot, bike, and by car, signaling onlookers to take stock of the #SaveJobsFundCUNY, #CutCovidnotCUNY [...]