A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 16 items that match your search.

Part-Time Instructional Staff: A Resolution for a Decent Contract

This  September 7th, 1973 resolution was written by William Leicht, the VP of the Committee for Part-Time Instructional Staff of the PSC. It stated that a contract that "fails to benefit the weak as well as the strong, violates the basic [...]

To "The New York Teacher"

These 1974 letters concerned adjunct faculty job security and what constituted reasons for adjunct dismissasl. Included in this item was a request for PSC President Belle Zeller to respond to an editorial from PSC Deputy Vice President Israel [...]

NY PERB: Improper Practice Charge

This NY Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) “Improper Practice Charge,” filed in 1974 by David Allen of the Adjunct Faculty Association, alleged that the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) deliberately entered into an labor agreement that [...]

Adjunct Faculty Association Newsletter (v. 1. n. 1)

This February 1974 Adjunct Faculty Association newsletter included an announcement of the formation of the Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA), the new organization's formal complaint filed against the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), several [...]

Arguments Relating to Adjuncts for Submission to Factfinders

This October 10, 1975 memo, written by the Committee for Part-time Personnel and circulated among members and potential members, included both an agenda for an upcoming meeting and a list of arguments relating to adjuncts for fact-finders to present [...]

Vote for the PSC-BHE Contract

This letter, written by Susan Prager in 1977, urged readers to vote in favor of the Professional Staff Congress - Board of Higher Education (PSC - BHE) contract. While the letter acknowledged that some members would be disappointed, it listed three [...]

NYS Dept. of Labor Unemployment Ruling: Ineligibility to Receive Unemployment Insurance

This decision, dated July 19, 1979, from the office of the New York State Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance upheld an initial determination of claimants John Abreu's and Dinah Levine’s ineligibility to receive unemployment insurance as a [...]

Protest Again Centers on Baruch College as CUNY Trustees Approve Tuition Increase

A week after an impromptu CUNY protest at Baruch College in which students were clashing with police, this Chronicle of Higher Education article covers a second protest at Baruch College. The article reports that a thousand students, faculty [...]

The Education Law: Chapter 407 of New York State Law (1926)

This 1926 amendment to the education law legislatively establishes the legal mandate to create the Board of Higher Education and thereby reasserts free tuition as a democratic right. It offers insights into how certain policy changes paved the way [...]

"Administrative Management of the School System of New York City"

The Survey of The Board of Education and The Board of Higher Education report was conducted in 1951 by George Strayer. It is an early effort to reorganize municipal colleges. Among other reports and legislative laws, it documents the shift in policy [...]

Statement of Policy by the Board of Higher Education

This "statement of policy", attached to the minutes from a meeting of the Board of Higher Education on July 9, 1969, reflects the culmination of negotiations between college officials and protesting City College students. The students, most of whom [...]

City Council Press Release on Sex Discrimination

This press release from the New York City Council Office of Public Information announces Councilmember Carol Greitzer's accusation that the Board of Education "discriminated against thousands of women employees at a financial loss running into the [...]

"U.S. Court Rules Against City U. in Sex-Bias Suit"

Ten years after a class action lawsuit was filed in 1973 by 25 women faculty across CUNY campuses, a federal judge ruled that CUNY had "discriminated unlawfully against women on its teaching staff for 15 years by paying them less than men in [...]

"A Long-Range Plan for the City University of New York, 1961-1975"

New York City's Board of Higher Education appointed Thomas Holy as lead consultant to write this 424-page report 1962 on the future of the City University of New York. The report articulated three major goals: to build or acquire more community and [...]

January 27, 1969 Resolution of the Board of Higher Education approving the establishment of a four-year experimental college in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn

On January 27, 1969, the Board of Higher Education of New York City resolved to establish an “experimental four-year college of professional studies located in or near Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn,” effectively supplanting plans announced a year [...]

October24 , 1974 Statement from Brooklyn College President John Kneller detailing his response to the student-led takeover of the BC Registrar's Office

This October 24, 1974 statement sent from President John W. Kneller detailed the steps the BC administration took in response to a student-led, multi-day takeover of the BC Registrars Office. Earlier in the month Puerto Rican and African American [...]

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