A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Women's Studies Program Catalog

This catalog outlines the feminist perspectives and pedagogies used to establish the Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College. The program was governed by a steering committee of faculty, students, and staff, and included co-coordinators who rotated someone new in each year. Included in the catalog are programs of study, career options, major requirements for the BA, co-listed courses, and program faculty.

Source | Brooklyn College Library, Archives and Special Collections
Creators | Kachuk, Beatrice; Silver, Catherine ; Quercia, Pat
Date Created | 1984
Rights | Obtain From Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program
Item Type | Text (Pamphlet / Petition)
Cite This document | Kachuk, Beatrice, Silver, Catherine , and Quercia, Pat, “Women's Studies Program Catalog,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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