A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

De Hostos Echo, December, 1974

De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This 1974 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save CUNY from budget cuts. Stories also include editorials on student activism and engagement, a mission statement for the Black Student Union, an announcement of a new student-run TV news show at Hostos Community College, and an article discussing increases in Veteran’s benefits.

Source | Hostos Community College Archives
Creator | De Hostos Echo
Date Created | December 1974
Rights | Obtain From Hostos Community College Archives
Item Type | Text (Newspaper / Magazine / Journal)
Cite This document | De Hostos Echo, “De Hostos Echo, December, 1974,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,


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