A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 96 items that match your search.

School Boycott

This exhibition includes flyers promoting The School Boycott which occurred on February 3rd, 1964. It was organized by local New York City civil rights leaders, and members of the NAACP and CORE. More than 450,000 students boycotted their public [...]

Mississippi Freedom Summer

This exhibit consists of photographs and flyers highlighting the participation of Queens College student activists in the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964. In particular, many of these students were involved in the Meridian Freedom School [...]

Three Who Died for Civil Rights

This exhibit contains items including articles, flyers and logs related to the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney in Mississippi, 1964. Goodman was a student at Queens College at the time of his death. [...]

Press Release from Black and Puerto Rican Student Community

This press release, written by protesting black and Puerto Rican students at City College on April 26, 1969, offers insight into the group's motivation behind their protests in the preceding months. Arguing for CCNY to better serve its surrounding [...]

Five Demands

This handout, created by a group of protesting City College students, offers insight into the motivations behind a campus-wide strike in April/May 1969. Black and Puerto Rican students, as well as white supporters, demanded the college meet these [...]

CCNY Protest Flier

This April/May 1969 flier was created to protest police presence on campus and police brutality that many student activists objected to at City College. College administrators requested the police in order to secure the conditions necessary to [...]

STRIKE!, Prism, 1971

Prism was the Borough of Manhattan Community College's annual yearbook. This 35 page chapter from the 1971 edition details the student strike that, in May 1970, temporarily shut down the college and resulted in 58 arrests. Filled with photos, [...]

"Birth of a Movement"

This Village Voice article covers the coalition effort that pulled off four simultaneous civil disobedience actions on April 25, 1995, stopping traffic at major bridges and tunnels to fight city budget cuts. Puerto Rican, black and Asian groups [...]

Spheric: Ground Zero

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers efforts organized by the Students Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) to protest New York Governor George Pataki's plan to decrease state funding [...]

Oral History Interview with Provost Basil Wilson for a History of John Jay College of Criminal Justice

This 1999 videotaped interview with Basil Wilson, provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, was conducted by Professor Jerry Markowitz for Educating for Justice, a history of John Jay [...]

Arrest Bus - 1970 BMCC Student Strike

This photograph features Maria Ramos, the Student Government President in front of the the arrest bus. The students were demanding an end to increases in tuition fees, and a day care center for children of students. Maria Ramos also confronted Dean [...]

Gerald Meyer and Activists at City Hall

Gerald Meyer with students at City Hall to save Hostos Community College. Some of the student in leadership were on a hunger strike to dramatize the issues plaguing Hostos Community College and their need for better facilities. By 1977, the third [...]

"Open Letter to the Students and Faculty (Please Read Carefully)"

This is an open letter to Queens College students and faculty from the Ad Hoc Committee, a politically active group comprised of concerned faculty and student activists. The group, which held a multi-day sit-in in the Social Sciences Building in [...]

Student Coalition Rally & Peaceful Walk Through

Distributed by the Student Coalition, this handout demands that Queens College students be granted access to walk through the Social Sciences Building. The building, housing President McMurray's office, had been the site of student occupation since [...]

Cartoon on College Protest

This political cartoon, originally from the LA Times and reprinted by the New York Times, reflects on the student unrest on college campuses across the nation in 1969. Depicting the military in charge at and around the desk of the [...]

We Wont Take No For an Answer!!

Produced by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left group of student and faculty activists, this flier advertises a rally at Queens College's A Building on April 16, 1969. A New York Times article from the following day reported that 150 students took control [...]

Forum in the Dome

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left group of student and faculty activists, this flier promotes a campus forum during Queens College's free hour on April 21, 1969. The group, protesting the administration's treatment of student and faculty [...]

42 QC Students Arrested on Campus

This flier calls for a rally on April 1st, 1969 against Queens College's decision to have city police clear a student demonstration on campus. Students from the college's Ad Hoc Committee and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter had led [...]

"Political Suppression - You Can't Sit on This One...Strike!"

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left-wing group comprised of student and faculty activists, this handout advertises an April 22, 1969 protest against the Queens College administration. The flier provides a brief summation of the group's most [...]

We Need Unity

Produced by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left-leaning student activist group at Queens College, this flier calls for a rally at the Dome on campus. Additionally, it calls for support at the Social Sciences (S.S.) Building. Just the day before this flier [...]

"Answer Back / Don't Strike"

Another anti-protest flier, this one again calls for students to attend class instead of striking. It features a quote from an "Ad Hoc 'Sympathizer'," a member of the group largely responsible for much of the ongoing disruption on campus.

Support the Governance Report: Go To Class

This flier, created in opposition to the student protest efforts that swept Queens College's campus in spring 1969, urges students to attend class instead of participating.

Item Type: Text (Flier / Leaflet (1 or 2 page handout))
Statement by QC SDS

Created by the Queens College chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), this flier from spring 1969 features the group's demand for the reinstatement of, and dropping of charges against, three students that had forced a General Electric [...]

Student Representative Meeting Notes

These handwritten notes were taken during a meeting between Queens College student body representatives and President McMurray and other college administrators. Among those items discussed were the college's options regarding security/police [...]

Faculty Referendum Press Release

This press release summarizes the results of a faculty-wide referendum held on whether the Queens College administration should have granted amnesty to the 39 people arrested on April 1, 1969 for occupying the Social Sciences Building. With 800 of [...]

Faculty Committee Meeting Notes

These handwritten notes were taken during a Faculty Committee meeting held on May 3, 1969. A large segment of the meeting was devoted to handling issues with Queens College's SEEK program. Short for "Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge," [...]

"Support the 5 Demands"

Despite being printed on official Queens College letterhead, this handout was created by student activists in the Ad Hoc Committee. The flier calls for support of the five demands put forth by the group to the school's administration. Those five [...]

Support "A" Bldg Sit In!

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee, a student activist group at Queens College, this flier requests support for the Academic II building sit-in. In addition to providing justification for the students' occupation of the building, the flier gives [...]

Then We go to Academic II

Produced by the Ad-Hoc Committee in late-April 1969, this flier calls for student support for the takeover of the Academic II building. In March, the same group organized the occupation of the Social Sciences Building in protest of the college's [...]

Responses to the Nine Points

This position paper was presented by Queens College's Department Chairmen, the Dean of Faculty and the President in response to the concerns shared by a group of "Concerned Faculty" on April 13. The document provides a response to each of the nine [...]

Resolution Meeting Notes-Second Session

These handwritten notes, taken by an unknown faculty member, are from the second session of the Personnel and Budget (P&B) meeting held on April 17, 1969. They give an account of the happenings of the meeting, beginning with summarized statements [...]

Supplementary Fact Sheet

This is a fact sheet that was prepared by the Ad Hoc Committee in attempt to correct, what they perceived to be, a distorted version of events presented by Queens College President John P. McMurray and other college administration in the preceding [...]

President's Newsletter

This newsletter, issued by the Office of Queens College President Joseph P. McMurray, offers the administration's reaction to the continued student protests on campus. In addition to McMurray's letter is a response to five of the demands called for [...]

Statement by President Joseph P. McMurray

This is a statement issued by Joseph P. McMurray, president of Queens College, in regards to the student occupation of the Social Sciences Building and his decision to request police action in the early morning hours of April 1, 1969. Students, [...]

"6th Day Bust Rally"

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee (to End Political Suppression), an activist student group at Queens College, this flier calls for a rally at 1pm on April 1, 1969 where the group would issue its reply to Queens College President McMurray's statement [...]

Queens College Dean's Report

Produced by the office of Queens College Dean George A. Pierson, this report summarizes campus events from March 1969 that resulted in student unrest and protest that would continue into May. As the report describes, the initial cause of the [...]

Voice of the Voiceless, April 20, 1998

In this issue of the BMCC student newspaper, Voice of the Voiceless, the topic of Open Admissions is given full focus with more than twenty articles contributed on the subject from students across the CUNY system. The topic was given special [...]

Newsday: "Enemies List?"

In this pair of articles from the Long Island, NY based Newsday, writer Graham Rayman details the efforts of CUNY officials to track and document the activities of student activists during the budget protests of 1995. Rayman's first article [...]

Open Admissions Protest Flier, October 1997

This Halloween themed flier, from October 1997, calls for participation in an October 26th protest at CUNY’s administrative offices at 535 E. 80th Street. Depicted are Rudolph Giuliani, New York’s mayor, and Herman Badillo, the Vice-Chair of [...]

SLAM! Structure

This flier explains the structure of city-wide SLAM!, which was designed to ensure representation of actual organizing by students on their campuses. This was an effort to build a grassroots coalition that would bypass some of the problems the CUNY [...]

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