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Queens College Dean's Report

Produced by the office of Queens College Dean George A. Pierson, this report summarizes campus events from March 1969 that resulted in student unrest and protest that would continue into May.

As the report describes, the initial cause of the protests—which would culminate in 39 arrests following the student takeover of the Social Sciences Building on April 1st—was student outrage over the suspension of three students charged with forcing a General Electric recruiter off campus on March 11th. While the college administration would eventually lift the suspensions, they refused to drop the criminal charges filed against the students. The result was continued protests on campus led by the student-led Ad Hoc Committee to End Political Suppression.

Source | Queens College Special Collections and Archives
Creator | Pierson, George A.
Date Created | March 31, 1969
Rights | Copyright Queens College Department of Special Collections and Archives (New York, N.Y.)
Item Type | Text (Report / Paper / Proposal)
Cite This document | Pierson, George A., “Queens College Dean's Report,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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