A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

CCNY Protest Flier

This April/May 1969 flier was created to protest police presence on campus and police brutality that many student activists objected to at City College. College administrators requested the police in order to
secure the conditions necessary to resume classes following weeks-long protest efforts that had temporarily closed the college.

The protesters, comprised largely of black and Puerto Rican students, had organized in pursuit of five demands that called for greater diversity and representation on campus. Over the course of their efforts, violence erupted between pro-strike students, anti-strike students and police, a factor that led to the resignation of CCNY President Buell Gallagher on May 12th.

Source | McGuire, Ron
Creator | Unknown
Date Created | 1969
Rights | Obtain From McGuire, Ron
Item Type | Image (Drawing)
Cite This document | Unknown, “CCNY Protest Flier,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,

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