We found 55 items that match your search.
Third Community Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
These minutes document the Hunter Asian American Studies Program (AASP)’s third Community Advisory Board meeting which took place on January 18th, 1994. In attendance included representatives from prominent community organizations including the [...]
Asian American Women and Feminism
This program is for a panel event titled "Asian American Women and Feminism," which took place on March 6, 1997. The event was sponsored by the Hunter Asian American Studies Program and the Asian Pacific American Student Association. The panel [...]
Oral History Interview with Sandi Cooper
In this 2018 interview Sandi Cooper, history professor emerita, reflects on her six decade-long involvement with the university, its students, and the faculty senate. Cooper, whose research specialty focuses on peace studies, spent the majority of [...]
#CancelRent And Eviction Blockades in Brooklyn: Black Queer Women and Femmes Fight for the Right to Housing
Written and submitted by Brooklyn College student Emily Batista over the summer of 2020, this autoethnography focused on the eviction defense of 1214 Dean Street in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Batista framed this research project as a "vessel to [...]
Student Week of Action in Defense of Education
Occupy CUNY circulated this informational leaflet for a “Student Week of Actions” (November 14-21, 2011) in defense of education, and in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. The schedule of Graduate Center Events included a student strike, a [...]
Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups
Informational leaflet with a list of Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups for Fall 2011: direct action, faculty liaison, inclusion, knowledgewerk, press, online presence & media, outreach, structure/process, support, and write in. The [...]
CUNY Faculty Statement of Support for November 17, 2011, Student Strike
CUNY Faculty Statement of Support, written primarily by Graduate Center faculty, for the November 17, 2011, Student Strike, in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Several of the CUNY faculty who spearheaded this statement, and a few visiting [...]
Oral History Interview with Khadija DeLoache
Khadija DeLoache entered City College in the fall of 1966 with support from the CUNY Seek program. In this oral history, DeLoache discusses growing up in Harlem, her experience as a student activist, and the development of the Black Studies [...]
Prometheus, February 10, 1971
This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, is dubbed by its editors as "Liberated" Prometheus, a reflection of the editorial sensibilities of the new student government dominated by the Third World Coalition, a group of black and Latino/a [...]
Tiger Paper, April 1972
This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]
Tiger Paper, March 1974
This issue of the Tiger Paper exposes what the editors consider a sham testimonial dinner for BMCC President Edgar Draper. Other articles of interest include an extended interview with a BMCC student who served in Vietnam, the detailing of [...]
Tiger Paper, May 1974
This issue of the Tiger Paper leads with a blistering rebuke of a New York Times investigation into mismanagement at BMCC, one which Tiger Paper editors claim paints a falsely damning picture of students at the college. [...]
Tiger Paper, November 1971
This inaugural issue of the Tiger Paper takes on the BMCC administration over mismangement of student fees and interference in student government. It also contains stories on BMCC's newly-inaugurated childcare center, a feature on the travails of [...]
Tiger Paper, February 1972
This issue of the Tiger Paper contains humorous takedowns of the college administration, a call for free subways, a critique of the state of nursing education, and an extended interview with radical poet Sonia Sanchez.The Tiger Paper, which [...]
Oral History Interview with Bill Friedheim and Jim Perlstein of Borough of Manhattan Community College
This oral history interview with retired Borough of Manhattan Community College professors Bill Friedheim and Jim Perlstein was conducted at the CUNY Graduate Center on June 1, 2015. Friedheim and Perlstein were intimately involved in many of the [...]
Women's Studies Program Office
The Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College, founded in 1971, was one of the first such programs in the country. Taken in 1982, this is one of the few photographs of the Women's Studies office located at 2157 Boylan Hall and features Pat [...]
"City's Personnel Policies Called Biased"
This New York Times article outlines charges against the city that alleged discrimination against women and racial minorities in hiring and promotions at CUNY. Women's Studies Program co-coordinators and Brooklyn College Women's Organization members [...]
Letter to the Editor, New York Times Magazine
As women's studies programs began to emerge in colleges around the country, faculty had to fight to legitimize the field of academic inquiry and interdisciplinary framing. Furthermore, several programs had to fend off homophobic and misogynist [...]
Brooklyn College Women's Union Meeting
The Women's Union at Brooklyn College was an organization comprised of many faculty and staff from the Women's Studies Program, but existed as a separate entity that would tackle political and administrative issues affecting women at the college. [...]
Summer Institute Grant Proposal
After establishing both a Women's Studies baccalaureate and a Women's Center at Brooklyn College, faculty organizers turned their attention to broadening the field. With support from the New York Women's Studies Association they prepared to submit a [...]
Letter to Jane Gould, Barnard Women's College
This letter from Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program co-founder Renate Bridenthal to the director of the Women's Center at Barnard College demonstrates the inter-institutional collaboration within academic feminist activism, and the [...]
City Council Press Release on Sex Discrimination
This press release from the New York City Council Office of Public Information announces Councilmember Carol Greitzer's accusation that the Board of Education "discriminated against thousands of women employees at a financial loss running into the [...]
"Pressure and Popularity Spur Variety In College Women's Studies Courses"
This New York Times article chronicles the advent of the establishment of women's studies programs at universities across the country in the 1970s, featuring the newly established double major at Brooklyn College. Program co-founder and [...]
BCWO Goals, Letter to Pat Withner
In the early 1970s before the founding of the Women's Studies Program, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) addressed several concerns of women faculty and students at the college. Historian and co-founder Renate Bridenthal notifies the [...]
Letter from BCWO to President Kneller on Sex Discrimination
This letter to Brooklyn College president John Kneller informs him of the Brooklyn College Women's Organization's (BCWO) formation of "a Discrimination Committee to investigate charges of sex discrimination against any woman on campus, having [...]
BWCO Response to President Kneller on Daycare
Responding to the dismissive tone of a letter from Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) wrote: "The tone and content of the letter...does not convey the cooperative spirit of which you [...]
Brooklyn College Women's Organization Executive Meeting Invite
The letter to the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) executive committee invites them to a meeting to plan for a general meeting later in the month. The invitation documents the activities of the first group to convene at the university to [...]
Brooklyn College Women's Organization Members List
The Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) was the first organized group of women faculty at Brooklyn College, brought together across departments to address women's issues at the university. BCWO was the birthplace of feminist activity and [...]
Program, Brooklyn College Feminist Festival
These two versions of a program for a feminist festival held in the early years of the Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program showcase the interdisciplinary concerns of the program, as well as their commitment to an active relationship between [...]
"Tough Times Ahead for Women"
Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program co-founder and professor of history, Renate Bridenthal, is featured in this Clarion article, which is the PSC-CUNY faculty union publication. The Clarion covered a speech Bridenthal gave at the CUNY Feminist [...]
"U.S. Court Rules Against City U. in Sex-Bias Suit"
Ten years after a class action lawsuit was filed in 1973 by 25 women faculty across CUNY campuses, a federal judge ruled that CUNY had "discriminated unlawfully against women on its teaching staff for 15 years by paying them less than men in [...]
Free University Presents Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons
This workshops pamphlet was created for a May 25, 2014, Free University of New York City event "Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons" in Battery Park, NY. Workshops were held outdoors at Battery Park and included presentations on [...]
"Subtleties of Resistance" Free University at Kara Walker's A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby
Promotional leaflet for July 5, 2014, Free University-NYC event "Subtleties of Resistance" Free University at Kara Walker's exhibition, A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby, at the Domino Sugar Factory, Brooklyn, NY. These site-specific [...]
Free University Week - September 18 Information Packet
"Free Education is a Right" This workshops pamphlet for "Free University Week," September 18-22, 2012, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, NY announced a variety of topics ranging from Radical Potentiality: Recreating Academic Practices in the [...]
Free University Week - 1st Annual May Day Course Descriptions
This pamphlet features workshops, teach-ins and events planned for the 1st annual Free University of New York City on May 1, 2012, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, NY. In addition to talks by David Harvey, David Graeber, Francis Fox Piven, Chris [...]
Student Voices: Brooklyn College Oral Histories on WW2 and the McCarthy Era — Farm Labor
This website was a 2004 collaboration between the American Social History Project and Brooklyn College. In this Farm Labor Project section, the historical narrators describe participating in Brooklyn College's Farm Labor Project. These students, [...]
Student Voices: Brooklyn College Oral Histories on WW2 and the McCarthy Era — Civil Liberties
This website was a 2004 collaboration between the American Social History Project and Brooklyn College. Redesigned in 2015 it chronicles student experiences with the college newspaper, the Vanguard, during a period in which civil liberties were [...]
Spheric: "Birth of an Internation," Vol. X: #1, 1995
This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers the massive March 23, 1995 protest at City Hall that led to the reduction of Governor Pataki's budget cuts and tuition hike that year. [...]
"Ready to Learn, Ready to Work"
This City Limits article from 1986 describes LaGuardia Community College's program for homeless women in New York City.
Division of Continuing Education: Annual Report, 1979-80
The Division of Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College produced this Annual Report for 1979-80. It describes the Division's accomplishments, and the range of programs aimed at the diverse communities served by the college, and makes the [...]