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Letter to the Editor, New York Times Magazine

As women's studies programs began to emerge in colleges around the country, faculty had to fight to legitimize the field of academic inquiry and interdisciplinary framing. Furthermore, several programs had to fend off homophobic and misogynist attempts to delegitimize the field, from both within their institutions and the broader public.

This letter, penned by Women's Studies Program co-founder and historian Renate Bridenthal, was sent to the New York Times Magazine editor after they ran a story about Sarah Lawrence's women's studies program in which the journalist pandered to fears of faculty spreading lesbianism amongst students. Bridenthal's firm reply calls out the tactic for what she called an attempt to "subvert the women's movement in general and Women's Studies in particular," and shows a broad kinship with and commitment to the field of women's studies.

Source | Brooklyn College Library, Archives and Special Collections
Creator | Bridenthal, Renate
Date Created | March 21, 1977
Rights | Obtain From New York Times Magazine
Item Type | Text (Diary / Correspondence)
Cite This document | Bridenthal, Renate, “Letter to the Editor, New York Times Magazine ,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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