A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Part-Time Instructional Staff: A Resolution for a Decent Contract

This  September 7th, 1973 resolution was written by William Leicht, the VP of the Committee for Part-Time Instructional Staff of the PSC. It stated that a contract that "fails to benefit the weak as well as the strong, violates the basic principles of unionism." The reasons listed included a lack of salary increases, a failure to reduce the workload, and no fringe benefits. The resolution also noted that tuition exemption and job security weren't included in the contract.

The Committee for Part-time Instructional Staff was a standing committee of the PSC Delegate Assembly. It was responsible for the consideration of problems facing part-time instructional staff and made recommendations related to the part-time instructional staff.

Source | The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Creator | Leicht, William, VP of the Part-time Instructional Staff Committee
Date Created | September 7, 1973
Rights | Copyright The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Item Type | Text (Resolution / Legislation)
Cite This document | Leicht, William, VP of the Part-time Instructional Staff Committee , “Part-Time Instructional Staff: A Resolution for a Decent Contract ,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,


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