A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

October24 , 1974 Statement from Brooklyn College President John Kneller detailing his response to the student-led takeover of the BC Registrar's Office

This October 24, 1974 statement sent from President John W. Kneller detailed the steps the BC administration took in response to a student-led, multi-day takeover of the BC Registrars Office. Earlier in the month Puerto Rican and African American [...]

October 25, 1974 Student Flyer Announcing Rally in Support of the BC 44

In response to the arrest of 41 Brooklyn College (BC) students and three faculty members, known as the Brooklyn College 44, student activists created and distributed this flyer on October 25, 1974, requesting support of a campus strike. Puerto Rican [...]

Oral History Interview with Crecensio "Joey" Morales

Crecensio "Joey" Morales entered Brooklyn College during the late 1960s as a student in the SEEK program, a relatively new program then, established to support marginalized students be more successful in college. Morales was drafted into the Vietnam [...]

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