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Adjunct Faculty Association Newsletter (v. 1. n. 1)

This February 1974 Adjunct Faculty Association newsletter included an announcement of the formation of the Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA), the new organization's formal complaint filed against the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), several longer-form pieces on adjunct labor, and a calendar of events. The newsletter argued that the formal complaint would either force the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to give fair representation to part-time faculty or allw AFA to establish a claim to PERB that there was no community of interest between full- and part-time faculty, which would establish the foundation for a separate bargaining unit.

The newsletter also included "The AFA: a Brief History" by Sylvia Barnes, which claimed that after much discussion the organization ultimately decided that the best policy would be "to attempt to work with and through the PSC" for a contract that would "ensure better treatment of adjuncts."

Source | The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Creator | Adjunct Faculty Association
Date Created | February 1974
Rights | Copyright The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Item Type | Text (Newspaper / Magazine / Journal)
Cite This document | Adjunct Faculty Association, “Adjunct Faculty Association Newsletter (v. 1. n. 1),” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,


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