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Press Release on York College Urban Studies Training Program

In this press release, York College officials announce the start of the newly created Urban Studies Training Program during the Fall 1971 semester. Originally announced in May '71, the program offered a variety of courses "designed to train residents of the Jamaica community to become more knowledgeable about urban problems and more effective in dealing with agencies and institutions." With 200-250 participants expected in its initial semester, the federally funded program was created with the help of the Jamaica Steering Committee, a group comprising more than 100 neighborhood organizations.

York College's presence in Jamaica reflected CUNY's commitment to offering a four-year education in underserved communities such as Jamaica, Queens. For many residents, the school offered great promise, and the creation of the urban studies training program was an effort to support the Queens community.

Source | York College Archives
Creator | Shanley, John
Date Created | September 8, 1971
Rights | Obtain From York College Archives
Item Type | Text (Report / Paper / Proposal)
Cite This document | Shanley, John, “Press Release on York College Urban Studies Training Program,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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