A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Spirit Magazine, January 1974

This is an excerpt from the January-February 1974 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. A brief article on the second page announces the college's creation of an African-American Studies program and the following article reports on the creation of the South Jamaica Neighborhood Action Program (NAP). The latter program was formed to serve as a "liaison" between community residents and municipal agencies, and to allow residents a greater voice in the affairs of their neighborhood.

Spirit Magazine, a self-proclaimed "third-world publication", was the creation of York College students and reflected the concerns and priorities of the college's largely black student population.

Source | York College Archives
Creator | Spirit Magazine
Date Created | January 1974
Rights | Obtain From Spirit Magazine
Item Type | Text (Newspaper / Magazine / Journal)
Cite This document | Spirit Magazine, “Spirit Magazine, January 1974,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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