A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

Training Agenda for Safety and Health for Hazardous Waste Site Personnel

This extract from a 1985 training manual offers the agenda for a three-day training course on 'Safety and Health for Hazardous Waste Site Personnel' at Hunter College's School of Health Science. The focus on hazardous waste would become an important [...]

COEH Grant Awards 1990-1999

Produced by Hunter College's Office of Research Administration, this report offers summary of the various sources of funding and projects undertaken by the COEH between the years 1990 and 1999. While the projects cover a number of topics, several [...]

NYSDEC 8-Hour HAZWOPER Course: COEH at Hunter College Training Schedule

This two-month extract from a 2009 schedule offers a brief look into the distances travelled by COEH instructors throughout New York State for their annual 8-hour HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) refresher courses. The [...]

EPA-HWWT Training Summary 1999-2004

The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health compiled these tables breaking down the programs for Hazardous Waste Workers Training (HWWT) offered from the years 1999-2004 by type of class, number of classes, number of people trained and [...]

EPA-HWWT Training Summary 2004-2009

The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health compiled these tables breaking down the Health and Safety Training programs for Hazardous Waste Workers offered from the years 2004-2009 by type of class, number of classes, number of people [...]

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