A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Anthony Penale as a Young Man

Anthony Penale was a City College lecturer and writing teacher in 1965 when he was appointed by English Chair Edmund Volpe as the first SEEK English coordinator/director. Penale became ill in the summer of 1967 and Volpe then appointed Mina Shaughnessy as the new SEEK English coordinator/director.

Short for "Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge," SEEK was established in 1966 as a CUNY-wide program to assist disadvantaged students who might otherwise have lacked the opportunity to study at a four-year college.
Source | Penale, Adam
Creator | Unknown
Rights | Obtain From Penale, Adam
Item Type | Image (Photograph)
Cite This document | Unknown, “Anthony Penale as a Young Man,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed September 14, 2024,

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