A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 171 items that match your search.

The Gadfly, March 1966

This issue of The Gadfly opens with the announcement of an emergency meeting to discuss the dismissal of a speech instructor. The rest of the paper outlines a defense of the instructor as well as an indictment of the procedures leading to his [...]

The Gadfly, March 1967

This issue of The Gadfly leads with a series of articles regarding a proposed CUNY campus to be located in Harlem. Also found is an introduction to CUNY’s new “College Discovery Program,” a critique of Playboy magazine, and [...]

The Gadfly, May 1967

This copy of The Gadfly opens with news of chapter elections and bylaws, and contains a lengthy opinion piece entitled "A Revolutionary Purpose For the Union." Also to be found are editorials, a review of the film Blow-up, and short [...]

The Gadfly, November 14, 1966

This special, abbreviated issue of The Gadfly covers a dispute over compensation relating to BMCC’s transition to a semester system. It includes an open letter to the college president as well as the minutes from the union chapter’s [...]

The Gadfly, November 1966

This issue of The Gadfly features a report outlining a recent meeting between union committee members and BMCC's president regarding compensation issues. It also contains editorials, essays and film reviews contributed by faculty.The [...]

Double Think on Unity: Vote UFCT

This flier was created by the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) in January 1972 and was designed to appeal to voters in an upcoming collective bargaining election for CUNY instructional staff. The election sought to establish a single [...]

"City U.'s Merged Union Set To Act for 15,000 on Staff"

This article from the New York Times reports on the merger of the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), the two bargaining agents for CUNY faculty and staff. Together they combined to [...]

"Faculty Members at City University Pick Single Bargaining Agent"

This New York Times article reports the results of a June 1972 election among members of the CUNY instructional staff. Voters elected to form a single bargaining unit for CUNY, with an overwhelming number choosing the newly formed Professional [...]

Proposal for Merger - LC and UFCT

Pending member ratification, this merger proposal, dated March 28, 1972, ended the intense rivalry between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), resolving the issue of who would be the sole bargaining [...]

Legislative Conference Position on Merger

In this document, the Legislative Conference (LC) lays out its position on a merger with its rival, the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT). The LC came to the merger proposal most reluctantly as it had already been satisfied representing [...]

Conference Leader: "Merger Special"

In this leaflet, the Legislative Conference (LC) announces that their merger with the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) had been approved by the governing boards of both organizations, and that it now would be submitted to the memberships [...]

"Don't Sign Away Your Contract!"

In this item, the Legislative Conference (LC) voices disapproval of the ongoing efforts by the rival United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) to replace the two bargaining units and two contracts that resulted from the collective bargaining [...]

Letter from UFCT President Requesting Protest

In this letter to the membership of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), union president Israel Kugler stresses the UFCT’s support for both a more diverse student body at CUNY and the newly established Open Admissions program. Kugler [...]

"Sign the Petition for a New Collective Bargaining Election"

In this open letter from April 1971, Israel Kugler, president of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), first outlines some of the serious problems facing his union and CUNY. He then calls for a new collective bargaining election, with [...]

Letter from UFCT President Requesting Contributions to UFCT Legal Defense Fund

In this letter, Israel Kugler, president of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), asks for voluntary contributions to a Legal Defense Fund. The funds, he explains, would used to meet the high costs of implementing the contract of 1969 [...]

Handwritten Letter Concerning Responsibilities of Membership in the Professional Staff Congress

This letter from a nonmember of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) asks about the responsibilities of membership, particularly in regards to striking. The sender, a CUNY instructor, had been inquiring prior to deciding whether or not to join the [...]

Response from PSC to Non-member's Letter Regarding Membership Responsibilities

In this response to the concerns of non-member Mary Jane Blanpied about striking, a representative from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) makes clear that ”no such action could be taken without a full membership referendum.” Such a [...]

UFCT University Reporter: "Legislative Memorandum: Support Support Support"

This February 1968 memorandum was issued to the membership of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) by its president. Israel Kugler calls for support for legislation that would equalize the salaries and working conditions of senior [...]

"Letter Requesting Support for UFCT in Upcoming Election"

This letter from M. Fred Tidwell offers reasons why faculty and staff at CUNY should vote for the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) as the single bargaining unit for CUNY faculty and staff. Tidwell was a chapter chair with the UFCT, which [...]

"Unity At Last: LC-UFCT Merger Proposed"

This memorandum to the memberships of both the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers came from the presidents of the two unions, Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler respectively. The memo announces the merger agreement [...]

Letter from UFCT President Israel Kugler to Frederick Burkhardt: Removal of Department Chairmen at Kingsborough Community College

This letter from UFCT President Israel Kugler stemmed from the unprecedented decision of the CUNY governing board to remove all department chairmen from the bargaining unit at Kingsborough Community College in July 1971. Although the UFCT did not [...]

LC-UFCT Merger Agreement

This is the full text of the merger agreement between the Legislative Conference (LC) and the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT). The agreement was approved by the governing board of each organization, and then by the membership of each [...]

Chancellor Bowker to NYS Politicians Opposing Community College Faculty Advancement

In this letter to New York State politicians, CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker opposes a bill in the New York State Legislature that would have changed full time faculty salaries in the community colleges to be equal to that of faculty in the senior [...]

Statements of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler before the Board of Higher Education

These statements were prepared shortly after the Legislative Conference, led by Belle Zeller, and the United Federation of College Teachers, led by Israel Kugler, merged to form the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) in April 1972. This marked the [...]

"BHE Freezes Salaries August 31"

In this memorandum to CUNY faculty and staff, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) attacks the tactics of the Board of Higher Education as the parties sought to negotiate the first contract following the merger of the Legislative Conference (LC) [...]

UFCT Hunter Viewpoint: "Close Ranks! Merge! Affiliate! Revel!"

This flier was issued by the chair of the Hunter College Chapter of the United Federation of College Teachers, Bill Leicht. It calls on the members to vote in favor of the proposed merger with rival union, the Legislative Conference. the flier also [...]

UFCT Legislative Memo: Petition Against State Budget Cuts

This memo was issued to the members of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) on behalf of union president Israel Kugler. It announces a petition drive against proposed budget cuts at CUNY. The document illustrates that even in times of [...]

College Newsletter, November 25, 1940

Published by the New York College Teachers Union, this issue of the College Newsletter covers several reactions to the ongoing Rapp-Coudert hearings of the early 1940s.The Rapp-Coudert Committee was a New York State initiative [...]

College Newsletter, June 2, 1941

The cover of this issue of the College Newsletter, a publication of the New York College Teachers Union, includes several articles regarding the then ongoing Rapp-Coudert hearings of the early 1940s. Included is one article addressed to [...]

College Newsletter, November 21, 1941

Published by the New York College Teachers Union, the cover of this issue of the College Newsletter features articles about the dismissal of Morris Schappes and Phillip Foner, two City College instructors fired as a result of the Rapp-Coudert [...]

"It's Happening in New York!"

Published in 1941, this pamphlet was created by the Committee for the Defense of Public Education, a joint committee between the Teachers Union and the College Teachers Union, amidst the turmoil of the Rapp-Coudert hearings. Citing a variety of [...]

"Coudert Victims Suffer Tragic Fate in Witch-Hunt"

This article and accompanying photo from The Daily Worker, the official newspaper of the Communist Party, features comments from labor leader Bella Dodd highlighting the plight faced by many of City College's instructors whose futures were in [...]

De Hostos Echo, November - December, 1975

De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This November/December 1975 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save the school from closure in order to deal with budget cuts. Stories also include tips for [...]

General Membership Meeting - Hostos PSC Chapter

This flier announces a general membership meeting of the Hostos Community College chapter of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). The PSC is the union that represents faculty and staff employed by the City University of New York. The PSC was a [...]

Letter to PSC President Irwin H. Polishook from Candido Antonio de Leon, Hostos President

By June of 1976, when it became clear that Hostos Community College would be saved from closure, the President of the college, Candido Antonio de Leon wrote a letter to the President of the Professional Staff Congress, Irwin Polishook, thanking him [...]

Gerald Meyer Statement on the 500 Grand Concourse Building

Gerald Meyer, a founding faculty member at Hostos Community College and President of the Hostos chapter of the Professional Staff Congress made this statement at a press conference held on March 30, 1976. The statement articulates that facilities at [...]

"NYSTA Outlines Merger Plan to Rival New York City Group"

In this press release, representatives from the New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) propose steps for a merger with the United Teachers of New York (UTNY). The NYSTA had previously been affiliated with the National Education Association [...]

Strategy Memo to Campaign Staff

Bruce MacDonald lays out the strategy for what he believes will allow the Legislative Conference (LC) to triumph against the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT) as the single bargaining unit for CUNY faculty and staff in the upcoming [...]

Joint Statement of Belle Zeller and Israel Kugler on Merger

In this statement, President Belle Zeller of the Legislative Conference and President Israel Kugler of the United Federation of College Teachers announce the merger of the two rival unions, and call on the members of each organization to ratify the [...]

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