A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 32 items that match your search.

Oral History Interview with Anselma Rodriguez

In this oral history, Anselma Rodriguez discusses her experiences as a student at Brooklyn College from 1969-1973. She was a founding a member of Movimiento Estudiantil Dominicanos and active in Brooklyn College's Puerto Rican Studies Department. [...]

Newton Hall Statement

“We as white students, can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem. At Huey P. Newton Hall of Political Action we are attempting to become a part of the solution.” In solidarity with black and Puerto Rican students, a group of [...]

"College Head Here Quits After Strife"

This New York Times article reports the resignation of Borough of Manhattan Community College president Murray Block following May 1970 demonstrations that ended with students and faculty occupying the college's buildings. Block's replacement was [...]

Prometheus, January 26, 1972

This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, reflects the evolving editorial concerns of the increasingly black and Latino/a student body. The paper contains articles on university funding, drug abuse, corporate enablers of [...]

Prometheus, February 10, 1971

This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, is dubbed by its editors as "Liberated" Prometheus, a reflection of the editorial sensibilities of the new student government dominated by the Third World Coalition, a group of black and Latino/a [...]

Tiger Paper, April 1972

This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]

Tiger Paper, February 1973

This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]

Tiger Paper, November 1971

This inaugural issue of the Tiger Paper takes on the BMCC administration over mismangement of student fees and interference in student government. It also contains stories on BMCC's newly-inaugurated childcare center, a feature on the travails of [...]

"While Hostos is Falling Down, Chase Manhattan is Making Pounds"

This image depicts one of several CUNY wide demonstrations held in against crippling budget cuts that would threatened Hostos Community College's existence. Students were concerned about the impacts of retrenchment on diversity, Open Admissions and [...]

De Hostos Echo, December, 1974

De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This 1974 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save CUNY from budget cuts. Stories also include editorials on student activism and engagement, a mission [...]

"Open Letter to the Hostos Community" / "Carta Publica a la Comunidad de Hostos" from Jose Martinez

Jose Martinez wrote this open letter in both English and Spanish to the Hostos Community College community on behalf of the Dominican Students Association to state that the vulnerability of the college had become so dire that massive collective [...]

"Black Students Union and Black Organizations Demonstration Against Genocide and Racism"

The Black Students Union and other supportive organizations sponsored a demonstration at the United Nations in April of 1976 to oppose the City University of New York’s proposals to close and merge colleges that mainly served minority communities. [...]

Spirit Magazine, Spring 1974

This is an excerpt from the Spring 1974 issue of the York College student-produced Spirit Magazine. Included in this selection is a call from Frank Tucker, the magazine's editor-in-chief, for greater student involvement and increased financial [...]

Spirit Magazine, February 1975

In this article excerpted from the December 1975 issue of York College student-run Spirit Magazine, managing editor Teddy DuBose decries proposed budget cuts to CUNY institutions at the height of the 1970s fiscal crisis in New York. DuBose [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1975

These selections are from the April 1975 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. The publication typically focused on the concerns and needs of the college's large black student population.The magazine's cover features [...]

Spirit Magazine, January 1974

This is an excerpt from the January-February 1974 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. A brief article on the second page announces the college's creation of an African-American Studies program and the following article [...]

Oral History Interview with Lenina Nadal

In this interview, Lenina Nadal discussed her experiences in the middle of the 1990s in the Coalition Against the Cuts and as an original member of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!). She highlighted the importance of SLAM! being a women [...]

Student Drawing Depicting a Brooklyn College Student Protest at Brooklyn College to Determine Who the Chairperson Would Be

A drawing illustrating how Puerto Rican student activists at Brooklyn College (BC) imagined themselves guarding the Department of Puerto Rican Studies in protest of President John Kneller's decision in 1974 not to hire María Sánchez as the [...]

October 24, 1974 Letter from Brooklyn College President John W. Kneller announcing he will take no action regarding the student occupation of the BC Registrar's office

In this October 24, 1975 letter to the Brooklyn College (BC) community BC President John W. Kneller announced that the occupation of the Registrar's Office was "a closed issue" and that he would not enforce disciplinary actions against any students [...]

October24 , 1974 Statement from Brooklyn College President John Kneller detailing his response to the student-led takeover of the BC Registrar's Office

This October 24, 1974 statement sent from President John W. Kneller detailed the steps the BC administration took in response to a student-led, multi-day takeover of the BC Registrars Office. Earlier in the month Puerto Rican and African American [...]

October 25, 1974 Student Flyer Announcing Rally in Support of the BC 44

In response to the arrest of 41 Brooklyn College (BC) students and three faculty members, known as the Brooklyn College 44, student activists created and distributed this flyer on October 25, 1974, requesting support of a campus strike. Puerto Rican [...]

Oral History Interview with Crecensio "Joey" Morales

Crecensio "Joey" Morales entered Brooklyn College during the late 1960s as a student in the SEEK program, a relatively new program then, established to support marginalized students be more successful in college. Morales was drafted into the Vietnam [...]

Oral History Interview with Esther Farmer

In this oral history with Esther Farmer, a self-identified Palestinian-Jew, dancer, and a daughter of activist parents, she recalled details of growing up within a politically engaged household which later informed her activism as a student at CUNY. [...]

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