We found 2 items that match your search.
February 6, 1971 Letter from the Puerto Rican Faculty and Staff Organization to the Brooklyn College President Office Announcing the formation of the New Organization
A February 6, 1971 letter from the newly formed Puerto Rican Faculty & Staff Organization to the Brooklyn College (BC) president, details the organization's objectives to racially and culturally transform the BC campus. The letter specifically noted [...]
Item Type: Text (Correspondence)
Oral History Interview with Antonio "Tony" Nadal
This oral history with Antonio "Tony" Nadal, musician and co-founder of the Department of Puerto Rican Studies at Brooklyn College (BC), is filled with personal stories, anecdotes, and singing about his work within the field of Puerto Rican Studies. [...]
Item Type: Oral History (Digital)
Time Periods: 1961-1969 The Creation of CUNY - Open Admissions Struggle, 1970-1977 Open Admissions - Fiscal Crisis - State Takeover
Subjects: Activism, Bilingual Education, Ethnic, Black or Latino Studies, Pedagogy, Puerto Rican Studies, Retirees, Student Organizations
Tags: B.L.A.C., BC44, Bilingual Education, Bilingual Education Curriculum, Bilingual Teacher Education, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn College 44, Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians, Centro de Educacion para Adultos, Elba Lugo, Escuela Infantil Bilingue, Geraldo Rivera, Herminio Vargas, Institute of Puerto Rican Studies, Josephine Nieves, Maria Sanchez, MEDo, Milga Morales Nadal, Movimiento Estudiantil Dominicano, P.R.A., P.S.P., President John W. Kneller, President Robert L. Hess, PRLS, Puerto Rican Alliance, Puerto Rican and Latino Studies Department, Puerto Rican Diaspora, Puerto Rican Music, Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization, Puerto Rican Studies, Richie Perez, S.D.S., Sonia Nieto, Students for a Democratic Society, Thomas Bruce Birkenhead, Vietnam Draft, Vietnam War