We found 155 items that match your search.
"Mind if We CRAASH Here?"
This article in the Hunter Envoy from October 2007 profiles the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) during the semester of its founding. CRAASH was founded by four Hunter College students—Olivia Lin, [...]
"Asian Studies Crisis?"
This article in the Hunter Envoy from April 2008 covers Dean Shirley Scott's response to claims made by the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) about the lack of financial support from the Hunter [...]
Voicing Student Activism: Bridging Theory and Practice
This poster advertises a panel titled "Voicing Student Activism: Bridging Theory and Practice," which the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter hosted on March 17, 2010, at Hunter College. The panel brought together [...]
Strengthening Education: Empowering Asian American Studies Conference
This video documents the conference, titled "Strengthening Education: Empowering Asian American Studies," that was hosted by the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) on April 16, 2008, to address the need for [...]
Strengthening Education: Empowering Asian American Studies Conference Action Steps
These notes come out of a participant workshop at the Strengthening Education: Empowering Asian American Studies Conference hosted by the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) on April 16, 2008, to address the [...]
Petition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter
This petition was circulated by the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) in the semester of its founding in Fall 2007. The petition outlines the issues facing the program and the reasons around CRAASH's [...]
Letter announcing the Formation of the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH)
In this letter dated October 30, 2007, students announce the formation of the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH). Consisting of eight students, CRAASH organized in immediate response to the inadequate [...]
Student Protest for Asian American Studies Department and Major at Hunter College
On April 5, 2017, members and allies of the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH), including students from other universities in New York City, gathered outside of Hunter College to protest the Hunter [...]
The Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH), 2007-2008
These are a collection of photographs of members of the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) taken during the club's early years. From top to bottom, CRAASH members are seen tabling and petitioning in Hunter [...]
Do Not Let CUNY Violate Student Privacy Change.org Petition
This Change.org petition – supported by multiple student organizations at on CUNY's Brooklyn, John Jay, Baruch, Queens, BMCC, Hunter, York, and CSI College campuses – called for the City University of New York (CUNY) system to disavow intrusive [...]
Occupy CUNY Curriculum Session Samples
Curriculum made for CUNY classrooms in conjunction with the "Occupy the Octopi" poster (made for an October 21, 2011, Occupy CUNY teach-in at Washington Square Park) and a flyer for the November 17, 2011, OWS Student Strike, both created by the [...]
Protest Checklist
Occupy CUNY created this checklist for an “awesome protest.” Tips included writing the National Lawyer’s Guild number on your arm, twitter update information and advice for affinity groups. Contact information for the Occupy CUNY support team [...]
Action Calendar
This action calendar announced actions and events for 2012-2013. Doctoral Students Council plenaries, CUNY Board of Trustee meetings and Free University Week are some of the highlights. Occupy CUNY organized around fighting the militarization of [...]
"Chancellor Goldstein's Wedding Invitation"
This invitation to a mock wedding between Chancellor Goldstein and Kroll Security Group announces the protest in the form of a satirical wedding procession and ceremony, which was held on May 1, 2012. Chancellor Matthew Goldstein hired Kroll [...]
Thursday's Special
This satirical menu featured dishes called “democratic” university, “meaningful” academic employment, “right to peaceful protests” and “safe and secure” learning places and was part of a pop-up political theater action created by the [...]
Radical Teach In
This flyer announces a radical-teach by CUNY Graduate Center students on October 21, 2011, in Washington Square Park. An offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement, Occupy CUNY organized around fighting the militarization of CUNY campuses, and [...]
Student Help Project Timeline
The Student Help Project was a collective of Queens College student activists who volunteered to tutor schoolchildren in Jamaica, Queens and Prince Edward County, Virginia in 1963. The Student Help Project Timeline exhibits archival items donated by [...]
Student Help Project Art Book
The Student Help Project Art Book was produced by Queens College graphic design students to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Student Help Project. The Art Book visualizes the legal struggle for desegregation and equal opportunity to quality [...]
School Boycott
This exhibition includes flyers promoting The School Boycott which occurred on February 3rd, 1964. It was organized by local New York City civil rights leaders, and members of the NAACP and CORE. More than 450,000 students boycotted their public [...]
Mississippi Freedom Summer
This exhibit consists of photographs and flyers highlighting the participation of Queens College student activists in the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964. In particular, many of these students were involved in the Meridian Freedom School [...]
Three Who Died for Civil Rights
This exhibit contains items including articles, flyers and logs related to the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney in Mississippi, 1964. Goodman was a student at Queens College at the time of his death. [...]
Occupy Data Hackathon
This flyer is for an Occupydata hackathon, which was held at the Graduate Center on September 28th and 29th. Occupydata NYC was a collective of developers, designers, researchers, artists, occupiers, and hackers who were discovering new ways of [...]
Goldstein and Kroll Security: Mock NYT Wedding Announcement
This mock New York Times announcement between Chancellor Goldstein and Kroll Security Group announces a protest in the form of a satirical wedding procession and ceremony, which was to be held on May 1st, 2012. In addition, the announcement [...]
CUNY May Day Blog
This blog from 2012 features posts and resources regarding that year's May Day activities on and around CUNY campuses. Among these resources are flyers, sample lesson plans, and readings intended to raise awareness around issues facing CUNY and the [...]
"Teach CUNY"
Organized by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) chapter of the Borough of Manhattan Community college, 'Teach CUNY' is an annual effort to raise awareness of issues facing CUNY. Beginning in 2011 with an emphasis on matters relating to college [...]
Free University Week
This web page features information regarding "Free University Week," a five-day event in Madison Square Park from September 18-22, 2012 that offered free educational workshops and classes to the general public. Founded around May Day 2012, the Free [...]
Occupy CUNY News
This Wordpress site features a collection of links and articles relating to the Occupy CUNY movement of 2011-12. No longer updated, it now serves as a repository for information on the activism of the period.
Oral History Interview with Khadija DeLoache
Khadija DeLoache entered City College in the fall of 1966 with support from the CUNY Seek program. In this oral history, DeLoache discusses growing up in Harlem, her experience as a student activist, and the development of the Black Studies [...]
Oral History Interview with Blanche Wiesen Cook
Blanche Wiesen Cook, Eleanor Roosevelt biographer, grew up in the Bronx and Queens, and attended Hunter College as an undergraduate when it was an all female school. She treasured her time learning from Ruth Weintraub and Mina Rees, whom she [...]
Press Release from Black and Puerto Rican Student Community
This press release, written by protesting black and Puerto Rican students at City College on April 26, 1969, offers insight into the group's motivation behind their protests in the preceding months. Arguing for CCNY to better serve its surrounding [...]
Newton Hall Statement
“We as white students, can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem. At Huey P. Newton Hall of Political Action we are attempting to become a part of the solution.” In solidarity with black and Puerto Rican students, a group of [...]
The Time for Action
This 8-minute film includes footage from the second General Assembly at Hunter College, and the first "Occupy CUNY" teach-in at Washington Square Park on October 21st, 2011. The filmmakers who were CUNY graduate students at the time stated, “We [...]
STRIKE!, Prism, 1971
Prism was the Borough of Manhattan Community College's annual yearbook. This 35 page chapter from the 1971 edition details the student strike that, in May 1970, temporarily shut down the college and resulted in 58 arrests. Filled with photos, [...]
Open Admissions Fact Sheet
This trifold pamphlet created by SLAM! debunks myths about remedial classes at CUNY's senior colleges and puts forward arguments for keeping CUNY's open admissions program. It educated students about the history and importance of open admissions at [...]
SLAM! Herstory Project
A multimedia oral history archive about the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!, 1996-2007) and the CUNY Coalition (1995) at the City University of New York.
CCNY Anti War Notices
“Nip Fascism in the Bud” This collection contains 337 pamphlets, newsletters, and flyers, which were circulated at City College of New York during the 1930s and 40s by student political organizations, which included the Young Communist League, [...]
We Must Stand United - Bronx Community College, a Center for Black Activism
We Must Stand United explores the contributions of history makers such as James Colston, Roscoe Brown, and countless generations of students who have made Bronx Community College (BCC) a center of black activism. It demonstrates BCC's crucial [...]
Spheric: Ground Zero
This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers efforts organized by the Students Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) to protest New York Governor George Pataki's plan to decrease state funding [...]
"Open Letter to the Students and Faculty (Please Read Carefully)"
This is an open letter to Queens College students and faculty from the Ad Hoc Committee, a politically active group comprised of concerned faculty and student activists. The group, which held a multi-day sit-in in the Social Sciences Building in [...]
Student Coalition Rally & Peaceful Walk Through
Distributed by the Student Coalition, this handout demands that Queens College students be granted access to walk through the Social Sciences Building. The building, housing President McMurray's office, had been the site of student occupation since [...]