A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 45 items that match your search.

Revised and Expanded In-Process Agenda: Cultural Anthropology Meeting

This “Revised and Expanded In-Process Agenda” based on minutes from a May 18th Cultural Anthropology graduate student meeting emphasized that the document was not a manifesto but rather a collection of ideas that were open to discussion and [...]

CUNY City-Wide Student Coalition

This CUNY-wide student coalition document outlined ten demands which included a call for Chancellor W. Ann Reynold's resignation, the elimination of tuition, no state cuts to education, student seats on multiple CUNY committees (including budget) [...]

Who's the Real Enemy?

Featuring images of Chancellor W. Ann Reynolds, Governor Mario Cuomo, and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, this two-sided flyer from 1991 asked, "Who's the real enemy?". "All of the above" was the answer because "they are all [three] willing to [...]

Your Voice Counts

"No Budget Cuts, No Tuition Hikes, No Police on Campus" This flyer called for Graduate Center students to show solidarity in support of the City University of New York (CUNY) strike by joining the CUNY Graduate Center (GC) takeover. The pamphlet [...]

The CUNY Crisis and the New World Order

Sponsored by City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Students Against the War, this flyer announced a symposium on “The CUNY Crisis and New World Order.” Well before the CUNY strikes of 1991, Graduate Center student organizations were [...]

Graduate Student Action Paper

Written by the Graduate Center Student Strike in April 1991, this action paper reported that the City University of New York's (CUNY) Graduate Center had been taken over by graduate students on the morning of April 16th in solidarity with the [...]

The Splinter

The Splinter described itself as a supplement to The Advocate (the Graduate Center student newspaper) and a “space for the analysis of social environment.” Published in April 1991 Vol. 1 No. 2 of The Splinter featured editorials, book reviews, [...]

We Can Win! Your Involvement is Crucial! – CCNY Student Strikes

Written three weeks into the City University of New York (CUNY) strikes of 1991, this flyer, signed CCNY STRIKE STUDENTS (City College of New York), urged students to support the movement and attend general assemblies. Daily mass general assemblies [...]

Student Week of Action in Defense of Education

Occupy CUNY circulated this informational leaflet for a “Student Week of Actions” (November 14-21, 2011) in defense of education, and in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. The schedule of Graduate Center Events included a student strike, a [...]

Occupy CUNY Curriculum Session Samples

Curriculum made for CUNY classrooms in conjunction with the "Occupy the Octopi" poster (made for an October 21, 2011, Occupy CUNY teach-in at Washington Square Park) and a flyer for the November 17, 2011, OWS Student Strike, both created by the [...]

Goldstein and Kroll Security: Mock NYT Wedding Announcement

This mock New York Times announcement between Chancellor Goldstein and Kroll Security Group announces a protest in the form of a satirical wedding procession and ceremony, which was to be held on May 1st, 2012. In addition, the announcement [...]

Song: "Hit the Road Matt: Good riddance to a reprehensible Chancellor!"

This version of the Ray Charles classic was written by members of the Graduate Center General Assembly and Adjunct Project on the occasion of CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein's June 2013 retirement. The song references ongoing scandals over which [...]

Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups

Informational leaflet with a list of Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups for Fall 2011: direct action, faculty liaison, inclusion, knowledgewerk, press, online presence & media, outreach, structure/process, support, and write in. The [...]

CUNY Faculty Statement of Support for November 17, 2011, Student Strike

CUNY Faculty Statement of Support, written primarily by Graduate Center faculty, for the November 17, 2011, Student Strike, in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Several of the CUNY faculty who spearheaded this statement, and a few visiting [...]

SLAM! Programs Brochure

This 5-page brochure includes a brief overview of SLAM's history up to the 1999-2000 school year, SLAM!'s 10-point program, and details on three campaigns SLAM! was organizing that year: the High School Organizing Committee, which worked with high [...]

Spheric: Ground Zero

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers efforts organized by the Students Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) to protest New York Governor George Pataki's plan to decrease state funding [...]

Free University Week - 1st Annual May Day Course Descriptions

This pamphlet features workshops, teach-ins and events planned for the 1st annual Free University of New York City on May 1, 2012, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, NY. In addition to talks by David Harvey, David Graeber, Francis Fox Piven, Chris [...]

"Students Rally Against the Cuts"

This front page article in the Hunter College Envoy covers a march and rally organized by SLAM! on March 21, 1996 against that year's proposed budget cuts to CUNY. The paper estimates about 800 Hunter students, faculty and staff attended.

The Banner, March 30, 1995

Student newspaper from College of Staten Island, with coverage of March 23, 1995 CUNY Coalition protest at City Hall.

CUNY Coalition Against The Cuts - Statement of Purpose

This statement of purpose was collectively written in an open meeting by participants in the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts. It reflects the radical vision and tactics of the coalition.

Tips for Giving Class Presentations

This flier was used by activists to prepare for giving short presentations—"class raps"—in classrooms to promote the March 23, 1995 demonstration at City Hall. It includes details about the planned tuition hike and cuts to financial aid, and the [...]

"Building a Movement"

This is a photocopied Village Voice article that was used to promote a citywide demonstration on April 25, 1995 that united groups fighting for education, jobs, housing, health care and AIDS care. They also called for an end to police brutality and [...]

"Bad Man Badillo: Butcher of CUNY"

This article by SLAM! member Sandra Barros for the Hunter Envoy investigates the role of CUNY Board of Trustees Vice Chair Herman Badillo in the plan to end open admissions at CUNY. This issue of the Envoy also includes an article about Hunter's [...]

"New York Budget Cuts Spark Militant Mass Movement"

This May 1995 article in Love and Rage newspaper written by Christopher Day (Gunderson), a leader in the CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts, emphasizes the confrontational protest tactics that emerged from "rank-and-file" students, giving student [...]

Shut The City Down flier

Original flier used to publicize and invite CUNY and high school students to the March 23, 1995 rally at City Hall and the unpermitted march on Wall Street planned for after the rally. Included here is a separate document that was distributed among [...]

Do You and Your Friends Want to Go to College?

This flier was created by SLAM!'s High School Organizing Committee in 1999 to attempt to recruit high school students to organize to save open admissions at CUNY. Members of the committee passed out these fliers in the morning before school outside [...]

Spheric: "Birth of an Internation," Vol. X: #1, 1995

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers the massive March 23, 1995 protest at City Hall that led to the reduction of Governor Pataki's budget cuts and tuition hike that year. [...]

Protestors Take Stand Against CUNY Hikes

This September 2008 cover story in The Paper, CCNY's newspaper for people of African descent, reports on a demonstration against budget cuts and a tuition hike to CUNY.

Item Type: Text (Article / Essay)
The Village Voice:  Education Supplement "Public Enemies"

This Village Voice investigative piece identifies the well-heeled right-wing ideologues behind the attacks on access to higher education, with a specific focus on the effort to end open admissions at CUNY.

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

Coalition Press, c. 1995

A student activist newspaper produced by CUNY Coalition Against the Cuts - an organization that consisted of concerned students and faculty. The demands included no tuition hikes, no budget cuts and a restoration of funding for remedial programs [...]

"Acorralados, La Policia Responde Con Violencia a Manifestacion Estudiantil"

March 24, 1995 front page coverage in NYC Spanish daily newspaper of the CUNY Coalition protest at City Hall.

"Why Struggle? For Hostos and Education"

This leaflet, distributed by the Community Coalition to Save Hostos, announces a march to the headquarters of the Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) in May of 1976. The EFCB was the body put in place to manage the budget crisis plaguing New [...]

De Hostos Echo, November - December, 1975

De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This November/December 1975 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save the school from closure in order to deal with budget cuts. Stories also include tips for [...]

De Hostos Echo, December, 1974

De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This 1974 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save CUNY from budget cuts. Stories also include editorials on student activism and engagement, a mission [...]

Machete Rojo: We Won! / Triunfaron Las Peticiones!

El Machete Rojo was a leaflet produced by the Puerto Rican Socialist Party at Hostos Community College. This leaflet announced that student activists had successfully secured nighttime access to their writing lab, an effort that the administration [...]

New York Protest Day Announcement

This flier, distributed by the Citywide Community Coalition, announces a citywide protest to the headquarters of the Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) in April of 1977. The EFCB was the body put in place to manage the budget crisis plaguing [...]

El Coquí, Volume 7, Number 8, May 1977

El Coquí was a college newspaper published monthly by the Office of College Relations and Development at Hostos Community College. This 1977 issue features a story announcing the resignation of Candido Antonio de Leon from his post as President of [...]

Hostos United/Hostos Unido, January 17, 1978 Meeting Minutes

These meeting minutes document the decision to form Hostos United/Hostos Unido on January 17th, 1978. Hostos United/Hostos Unido became the central activist group that led much of the campaign to expand to 500 Grand Concourse. It was organized by [...]

Hostos United/Hostos Unido, January 17, 1978 Meeting Notes

These handwritten notes were taken during the meeting in which leaders of student and labor groups decided to form Hostos United/Hostos Unido. The group became the central activist organization that led much of the campaign to expand the college to [...]

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