A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 136 items that match your search.

Professional Staff Congress: BMCC Chapter Newsletter, February 22, 1974

This is an early newsletter from the Professional Staff Congress chapter at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC). Dated February 24, 1974, the newsletter features an article attacking BMCC president Edgar Draper for using the school's [...]

"Accountability: A Reply to the Deans' Letter"

This leaflet, published by an ad hoc committee of Professional Staff Congress members at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), defends the committee's actions from critics in the CUNY administration and challenges those critics to an open [...]

"College Head Here Quits After Strife"

This New York Times article reports the resignation of Borough of Manhattan Community College president Murray Block following May 1970 demonstrations that ended with students and faculty occupying the college's buildings. Block's replacement was [...]

"Testimonial Dinner: Opposition Grows "

This leaflet, published by an ad hoc committee of Professional Staff Congress members at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), denounces a plan by then-BMCC President Edgar Draper to hold a testimonial dinner to himself at the Americana [...]

The Scorpion, April 3, 1974

In 1974 a new group called Students for Better Government took over control of the Borough of Manhattan Community College student government from the Third World Coalition. The new leadership criticized both the Third World Coalition and their [...]

Tiger Paper, April 1972

This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]

Tiger Paper, April 1973

This issue of the Tiger Paper leads with a story describing student demonstrations against the "threatened" implementation of tuition across CUNY campuses. It also features articles centered around "International Women's Day" and the Vietnam [...]

Tiger Paper, February 1973

This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]

Tiger Paper, January 1974

This edition of the Tiger Paper protests the impending firing of 1,700 adjunct faculty and the consequent reduction in the number of classes offered at BMCC. "Such a move spells disaster for Open Admissions," the paper's editors write.The [...]

Tiger Paper, March 1974

This issue of the Tiger Paper exposes what the editors consider a sham testimonial dinner for BMCC President Edgar Draper. Other articles of interest include an extended interview with a BMCC student who served in Vietnam, the detailing of [...]

Tiger Paper, May 1974

This issue of the Tiger Paper leads with a blistering rebuke of a New York Times investigation into mismanagement at BMCC, one which Tiger Paper editors claim paints a falsely damning picture of students at the college. [...]

Tiger Paper, November 1971

This inaugural issue of the Tiger Paper takes on the BMCC administration over mismangement of student fees and interference in student government. It also contains stories on BMCC's newly-inaugurated childcare center, a feature on the travails of [...]

Tiger Paper, October 1973

This issue of the Tiger Paper explores the effects of financial aid reductions alongside CUNY's "Open Admission" policy, details class registration troubles at BMCC, and advocates for the boycott of "scab products."The Tiger Paper, which [...]

Tiger Paper, October 1974

This copy of the Tiger Paper advocates self-determination for Puerto Rico, criticizes the poor condition of facilities at BMCC, and encourages readers to remember "the spirit of Attica."The Tiger Paper, which billed itself as "Manhattan [...]

Who's Coming to Dinner?

This leaflet, published by an ad hoc committee of Professional Staff Congress members at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), criticizes the plan of then-BMCC President Edgar Draper to stage a testimonial dinner to himself at the Americana [...]

"Wide Deficiencies Seen at Manhattan Community"

In May 1974 the New York Times published an investigation of alleged mismanagement at Borough of Manhattan Community College. The article was based on a confidential report compiled on the instructions of Chancellor Robert Kibbee. On the basis of [...]

The Gadfly, December 1966

This edition of  The Gadfly covers such topics as faculty compensation, "woefully inadequate" campus facilities, and BMCC's upcoming accreditation process. It also contains poetry, film reviews, and humorous pieces by faculty.The [...]

Tiger Paper, February 1972

This issue of the Tiger Paper contains humorous takedowns of the college administration, a call for free subways, a critique of the state of nursing education, and an extended interview with radical poet Sonia Sanchez.The Tiger Paper, which [...]

Medgar Evers College - The Pursuit of a Community's Dream

In this short book, Medgar Evers College: The Pursuit of a Community's Dream, CUNY retired professors Florence Tager and Zala Highsmith-Taylor tell the story of the founding of the college. As an institution born largely out of 1960s [...]

The Mayor's Advisory Task Force Report: The City University of New York: An Institution Adrift

The Mayor's Advisory Task Force on the City University of New York issued its report, The City University of New York: An Institution Adrift, to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani on June 7, 1999. Over the course of their investigation, they reported that [...]

Minutes of Proceedings: Establishing Community College Number Seven

In these minutes of proceedings from a January 22, 1968 meeting of the Board of Higher Education, the Board resolves to create the "Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight." The committee is first tasked with filling the [...]

Statement by Chancellor Albert H. Bowker Announcing the Establishment of a New Community College

In this statement by CUNY Chancellor Albert H. Bowker on February 1, 1968 in Brooklyn Borough Hall, Bowker announces the establishment of a new, experimental community college in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. His announcement presents CUNY's hopes [...]

Telegram from Walter Pinkston to Chancellor Bowker: Lack of Community Involvement

In this telegram sent to Chancellor Albert Bowker on February 6, 1968, Walter Pinkston, executive director of Bedford Stuyvesant Youth in Action, decries the recent announcement of Community College No. 7 because the message was delivered without [...]

"Julius Edelstein, 93, Dies; Devised CUNY's Open Admissions"

This New York Times obituary describes the career of former Vice-Chancellor Julius C. C. Edelstein, one of the primary architects of the open admissions policy at CUNY.

Letter from CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker to Hon. Thomas R. Jones

This is the third letter sent on February 12, 1968 from Chancellor Albert Bowker in regards to his absence at the February 10 meeting of community leaders and members at Decatur JHS. Addressed to Hon. Thomas R. Jones, chairman of the [...]

Letter from Porter R. Chandler to Walter Pinkston

In this letter from Porter R. Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, to Walter Pinkston, Executive Director of Bedford Stuyvesant Youth in Action, Chandler informs the community leader that he will confer with the Board on the ways in [...]

Letter from Frederick Burkhardt: Seeking President for Community College Seven and Eight

In this letter from Frederick Burkhardt, Chairman of the Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight, to Walter Pinkston, executive chairman of Bedford-Stuyvesant Youth in Action, Burkhardt suggests a meeting on March 14th [...]

Memo from Porter R. Chandler: Refrain from Individual Meetings with the Bedford Stuyvesant Coalition

This message from Porter R. Chandler to members of the Board of Higher Education states that although each member of the Board has received requests from the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition for individual meetings, the members should disregard the [...]

Appendix A: Meeting between The Board Committee to Seek Presidents and the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition

Appendix A consists of a list of all those present at a March 14, 1968 meeting between the Board Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight and the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition Steering Committee. It also outlines the "two [...]

Letter from Frederick H. Burkhardt to Al Vann

This is a letter from Frederick H. Burkhardt, chairman of the Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight, to Al Vann, chairman of the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition. In it, Burkhardt informs Vann that [...]

Telegram from Al Vann: Promising Action if Services and Personnel are Withdrawn

This telegram was sent from Al Vann to CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker. Vann, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition. Vann writes the message on behalf of the Coalition's member organizations in an effort to challenge [...]

Letter from CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker to all Board Members: Funding for the Coalition's Representatives

In this letter sent to all Board of Higher Education members, CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker announces that funds for the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition's representatives on the Presidential Search Committee had been obtained from the Ford Foundation. [...]

Handwritten Notes from a September 12, 1968 Meeting

These handwritten notes are from a September 12, 1968 meeting of CUNY officials concerning the creation of Medgar Evers College. The notes suggest that the criteria for presidential candidates be established and that a selection be made by January [...]

25 Years of Progress: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY

In celebration of their 25th anniversary, the Professional Staff Congress/CUNY (PSC) published this collection of articles written by Irwin Yellowitz, "professor emeritus of history at City College and a former PSC treasurer." The articles and [...]

"Progress Report on York College"

This article from the Queens Voice reports on a September 1969 gathering of "45 representatives from local civic, church, and other groups" concerned with the progress of the $100 million campus plans for York College in South Jamaica, Queens. [...]

Letter to Brooklyn College President John Kneller on Budget Cuts and Faculty Tenure

During the 1970s, CUNY experienced a fiscal crisis resulting in faculty and staff layoffs, increased tuition, as well as cutbacks in open enrollment. As a result, the coordinators of the Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program drafted this letter [...]

"York Kids March on City Hall, Call It a 'Class' Fight"

This Daily News article details a May 1968 march by York College students in protest against what they considered inadequate campus facilities. York, the newest of the CUNY schools at the time, relied on temporary space within Queensborough [...]

"City's Personnel Policies Called Biased"

This New York Times article outlines charges against the city that alleged discrimination against women and racial minorities in hiring and promotions at CUNY. Women's Studies Program co-coordinators and Brooklyn College Women's Organization members [...]

City Council Press Release on Sex Discrimination

This press release from the New York City Council Office of Public Information announces Councilmember Carol Greitzer's accusation that the Board of Education "discriminated against thousands of women employees at a financial loss running into the [...]

Letter from BCWO to President Kneller on Sex Discrimination

This letter to Brooklyn College president John Kneller informs him of the Brooklyn College Women's Organization's (BCWO) formation of "a Discrimination Committee to investigate charges of sex discrimination against any woman on campus, having [...]

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