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"Wide Deficiencies Seen at Manhattan Community"

In May 1974 the New York Times published an investigation of alleged mismanagement at Borough of Manhattan Community College. The article was based on a confidential report compiled on the instructions of Chancellor Robert Kibbee. On the basis of the leaked report, the Times alleged that BMCC suffered from low faculty morale, consistent grade inflation, and a failure to implement the remedial education programs that became urgent following the establishment of open admissions in 1971. Radical students and faculty at BMCC, while accepting criticisms of the administration, hit back at what they felt were implied criticisms of the student body itself. The editors of Tiger Paper, a radical paper published by faculty at the college, led their May 1974 issue with an attack on this "smear job."

Source | New York Times
Creator | Kaufman, Michael T.
Date Created | May 17, 1974
Rights | Copyright New York Times
Item Type | Text (Article / Essay)
Cite This document | Kaufman, Michael T. , “"Wide Deficiencies Seen at Manhattan Community",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,

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