A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 25 items that match your search.

Tiger Paper, February 1973

This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]

Medgar Evers College - The Pursuit of a Community's Dream

In this short book, Medgar Evers College: The Pursuit of a Community's Dream, CUNY retired professors Florence Tager and Zala Highsmith-Taylor tell the story of the founding of the college. As an institution born largely out of 1960s [...]

Minutes of Proceedings: Establishing Community College Number Seven

In these minutes of proceedings from a January 22, 1968 meeting of the Board of Higher Education, the Board resolves to create the "Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight." The committee is first tasked with filling the [...]

Statement by Chancellor Albert H. Bowker Announcing the Establishment of a New Community College

In this statement by CUNY Chancellor Albert H. Bowker on February 1, 1968 in Brooklyn Borough Hall, Bowker announces the establishment of a new, experimental community college in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. His announcement presents CUNY's hopes [...]

Telegram from Walter Pinkston to Chancellor Bowker: Lack of Community Involvement

In this telegram sent to Chancellor Albert Bowker on February 6, 1968, Walter Pinkston, executive director of Bedford Stuyvesant Youth in Action, decries the recent announcement of Community College No. 7 because the message was delivered without [...]

Letter from CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker to Hon. Thomas R. Jones

This is the third letter sent on February 12, 1968 from Chancellor Albert Bowker in regards to his absence at the February 10 meeting of community leaders and members at Decatur JHS. Addressed to Hon. Thomas R. Jones, chairman of the [...]

Letter from Porter R. Chandler to Walter Pinkston

In this letter from Porter R. Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, to Walter Pinkston, Executive Director of Bedford Stuyvesant Youth in Action, Chandler informs the community leader that he will confer with the Board on the ways in [...]

Letter from Frederick Burkhardt: Seeking President for Community College Seven and Eight

In this letter from Frederick Burkhardt, Chairman of the Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight, to Walter Pinkston, executive chairman of Bedford-Stuyvesant Youth in Action, Burkhardt suggests a meeting on March 14th [...]

Memo from Porter R. Chandler: Refrain from Individual Meetings with the Bedford Stuyvesant Coalition

This message from Porter R. Chandler to members of the Board of Higher Education states that although each member of the Board has received requests from the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition for individual meetings, the members should disregard the [...]

Appendix A: Meeting between The Board Committee to Seek Presidents and the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition

Appendix A consists of a list of all those present at a March 14, 1968 meeting between the Board Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight and the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition Steering Committee. It also outlines the "two [...]

Letter from Frederick H. Burkhardt to Al Vann

This is a letter from Frederick H. Burkhardt, chairman of the Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight, to Al Vann, chairman of the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition. In it, Burkhardt informs Vann that [...]

Telegram from Al Vann: Promising Action if Services and Personnel are Withdrawn

This telegram was sent from Al Vann to CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker. Vann, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition. Vann writes the message on behalf of the Coalition's member organizations in an effort to challenge [...]

Letter from CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker to all Board Members: Funding for the Coalition's Representatives

In this letter sent to all Board of Higher Education members, CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker announces that funds for the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition's representatives on the Presidential Search Committee had been obtained from the Ford Foundation. [...]

Handwritten Notes from a September 12, 1968 Meeting

These handwritten notes are from a September 12, 1968 meeting of CUNY officials concerning the creation of Medgar Evers College. The notes suggest that the criteria for presidential candidates be established and that a selection be made by January [...]

"Progress Report on York College"

This article from the Queens Voice reports on a September 1969 gathering of "45 representatives from local civic, church, and other groups" concerned with the progress of the $100 million campus plans for York College in South Jamaica, Queens. [...]

"Board, City Push Hunt for York Site"

This article from the New York Daily News details an early push from civic leaders to find a temporary location for the nascent York College in Jamaica, Queens. Founded in 1966, two years prior to this article's printing, the college initially [...]

November 26, 1968 Minutes of the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7

On November 26, 1968, the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7, composed of five City University of New York (CUNY) officials and five appointed representatives of the Bedford-Stuyvesant community, met to discuss candidates for the [...]

December 3, 1968 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Negotiation Team of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Educational Needs and Services

The five-member Negotiation Team of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services met on December 3, 1968, to discuss a proposed resolution put forward by City University of New York (CUNY) officials to establish Community [...]

Minutes of the February 17, 1969 Meeting of the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7

On February 17, 1969 the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7, composed of five City University of New York (CUNY) officials and five appointed representatives of Bedfrord-Stuyvesant community organizations, met to continue their [...]

September 16, 1969 Resolution of the Board of Higher Education to Disband the Presidential Search and Planning Committee for Community College 7

On September 16, 1969 the Executive Committee of the Board of Higher Education (BHE( issued a formal resolution to dissolve the “Presidential Search and Planning Committee for Community College 7” due to the insistence of the Bedford-Stuyvesant [...]

September 17, 1969 Letter from CUNY Vice Chancellor Julius C. C. Edelstein to Assemblyman Samuel Wright

On September 17, 1969, Julius Edelstein, Vice Chancellor of the City University of New York (CUNY), wrote to Assemblyman Samuel Wright, who represented Central Brooklyn, to inform him of the Executive Committee of the Board of Higher Education [...]

September 24, 1969 Letter from Chancellor Albert Bowker to Al Vann

On September 24, 1969, Albert Bowker, Chancellor of the City University of New York (CUNY) wrote to Al Vann, a community leader of Bedford-Stuyvesant, formally informing him of the Board of Higher Education’s Resolution eight days before to [...]

Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges 7 and 8: Minutes - February 15, 1968,

On February 15, 1968, seven City University of New York (CUNY) officials met to discuss their role and responsibilities as the Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight. The Committee agreed that their “primary focus… [...]

Chancellor Albert Bowker to Al Vann: Letter - May 22, 1969

On May 22, 1969, Albert Bowker, Chancellor of the City University of New York wrote a letter to Al Vann, Chairman of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS), conveying his wish to overcome a “deadlock” over [...]

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