A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 18 items that match your search.

Tweet: Student Complaint

This tweet questioned the ethical determination behind the City University of New York's (CUNY) continuance of in-person operations at the beginning of the pandemic. Like other artifacts in this section, this tweet expressed the broader CUNY [...]

Tweet: Defense of CUNY by Student

This tweet expressed a counter-narrative to the antagonism against City University of New York (CUNY) administration seen in other items in this collection, pointing out that the nature of CUNY's student body forced questions of equity to guide its [...]

Tweet: #CloseCUNY Nationwide

This tweet pointed out that the #CloseCUNY hashtag had received national circulation among Twitter's userbase during the early days of the pandemic. This hashtag expressed a growing desire for CUNY to cease in-person instruction, begun early in the [...]

Tweet: Lehman President Explanation

This series of tweets from the president of Lehman College, Daniel Lemons, provided an official response to demands for CUNY's closure, explaining that the logistics facing CUNY's transition to distance learning were markedly different from other [...]

Tweet: School is still open?

This tweet from a City University of New York (CUNY) student pointed out the discrepancy between faculty preparation for online teaching and the continued operation of CUNY campuses. As expressed in other tweets (see the series "Tweet: Lehman [...]

Tweet: CUNY/SUNY Pandemic Response & Student Wellbeing

Posted on March 11, 2020, this tweet echoed related Twitter artifacts from this collection in scrutinizing the perceived lack of preparedness and administrative indifference of the City University of New York (CUNY) toward the health and safety of [...]

Selected Facebook Posts from CUNY Confessions

This item offered a curated selection of informally written Facebook posts documenting student life during the abrupt transition to distance learning in mid-March of 2020. Drawing from the "CUNY Confessions" Facebook group, these compiled posts [...]

COVID University New York (Episode 5, "The Essential Workers")

Throughout the 2020-2021 academic year, COVID University New York (CVNY), a radio show co-produced by Racecar Radio and the Gotham Center for New York City History at the Graduate Center, discussed how the pandemic impacted vulnerable groups. In [...]

Close CUNY Petition

Started by "Concerned Student" on March 8, 2020, this petition calls on Chancellor Felix V. Matos Rodriguez to suspend the City University of New York (CUNY) schools one day after Governor Cuomo declared a formal state of emergency in New York State [...]

Directory of CUNY Online Social Platforms

Created in the form of an open-access Google Document on July 12, 2020, this public directory compiled a list of online social platforms associated with the City University of New York (CUNY) (e.g., Discord servers, Subreddits, Facebook groups, [...]

CUNY From My Window

Led by the Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, this crowd-sourced initiative featured a sense-making project aimed at documenting at the embodied perspectives of CUNY community members during the pandemic, framed from the [...]

Petition in Opposition to Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection Software

This petition – opposing the CUNY Central administration's resolution to approve a contract with Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection Software – was crafted by Lisa Rhody, Luke Waltzer, and Roxanne Shirazi and circulated on December 3, 2020, [...]

Tweet: CUNY is Essential NYC Infrastructure

This tweet, written in May 2020, by a CUNY adjunct lecturer, addressed the importance of funding CUNY given its key role as an "essential NYC infrastructure." This item is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) Distance Learning Archive, a [...]

Tweet: The Same Workers on the Front Line Fighting the Epidemic Are Our Students

This tweet, posted in April 2020 by a CUNY adjunct lecturer, called attention to CUNY students' roles as frontline workers in the pandemic. This point is significant in the discussion of cuts at CUNY affecting students and the broader community. It [...]

Tweet: CUNY and SUNY Faculty and Staff Are Being Asked to Donate 15-20 hrs

This tweet, written in May 2020, documented the fact that CUNY and SUNY faculty and staff were being asked to volunteer their labor to support NYS's Contact Tracing initiative despite drastic cuts in CUNY funding and reductions in contingent workers [...]

Tweet: My CUNY students are literally driving delivery trucks while taking online classes

This tweet from August 2020 by a CUNY faculty member responded to US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez support for CUNY by highlighting CUNY students' essential labor while they are trying to learn at CUNY in the midst of the pandemic. This [...]

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