A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 22 items that match your search.

Brooklyn College Acting President Peck's April 18, 1969 Letter Indicating a Meeting Scheduled to Discuss the Students' 18 Demands

This April 18, 1969 letter from Acting BC President George Peck confirmed his office's open communications with Puerto Rican and African-American student activists regarding the 18 demands presented by the students earlier in April. This item is [...]

May 9, 1969 Announcement from Acting President George Peck alerting the Brooklyn College community that the NYPD would patrol the campus

On May 9, 1969 Acting Brooklyn College (BC) President George Peck announced the role of the NY Police Department in response to the student-led movement at. The document described various protest strategies and acts of civil disobedience coordinated [...]

May 14, 1969 Letter from Brooklyn College Acting President George Peck Announcing a Bail Review for Indicted Brooklyn College Students

A May 14, 1969 memo from Brooklyn College (BC) Acting President George Peck informed the college community about a bail review for BC students arrested during protests on the campus. The memo also stated Peck's commitment to confer with student [...]

Oral History Interview with Crecensio "Joey" Morales

Crecensio "Joey" Morales entered Brooklyn College during the late 1960s as a student in the SEEK program, a relatively new program then, established to support marginalized students be more successful in college. Morales was drafted into the Vietnam [...]

Black and Puerto Rican Solidarity during 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), shows Askia Davis, member of [...]

Student Honor Guards Standing in Formation at the 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC). shows student honor guards [...]

Pledge Recited at 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), shows student organizers and [...]

Carlos E. Russell speaks during Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo was taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC). Professor Carlos E. Russell, [...]

Professor Carlos E. Russell with Brooklyn College Students

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, a member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), depicts: (left to right) [...]

Flag Raising Ceremony during Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College, shows members of both P.R.A. and [...]

Students guard flag pole during 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), shows members of B.L.A.C., and [...]

Student Activists standing guard at the 1969 flag raising ceremony during Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College, shows members of P.R.A., B.L.A.C., [...]

Tony Nieves and other student activists guarding flagpole during 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo was part of the collection of photos shot by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College [...]

Salute at flag raising ceremony during 1969 Malcom X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), shows B.L.A.C. member Larry [...]

Black Power Salute at Brooklyn College during 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial

This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.), shows members of both P.R.A. and B.L.A.C. at the 1969 [...]

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