We found 3 items that match your search.
Pledge Recited at 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial at Brooklyn College
This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), shows student organizers and [...]
Professor Carlos E. Russell with Brooklyn College Students
This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, a member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.) at Brooklyn College (BC), depicts: (left to right) [...]
Black Power Salute at Brooklyn College during 1969 Malcolm X Day and Memorial
This photo, taken by pioneering student-activist Antonio "Tony" Nieves, member and liaison of the Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians (B.L.A.C.) and the Puerto Rican Alliance (P.R.A.), shows members of both P.R.A. and B.L.A.C. at the 1969 [...]