A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 11 items that match your search.

Three Who Died for Civil Rights

This exhibit contains items including articles, flyers and logs related to the murders of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney in Mississippi, 1964. Goodman was a student at Queens College at the time of his death. [...]

Five Demands

This handout, created by a group of protesting City College students, offers insight into the motivations behind a campus-wide strike in April/May 1969. Black and Puerto Rican students, as well as white supporters, demanded the college meet these [...]

Spheric: Ground Zero

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers efforts organized by the Students Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) to protest New York Governor George Pataki's plan to decrease state funding [...]

Arrest Bus - 1970 BMCC Student Strike

This photograph features Maria Ramos, the Student Government President in front of the the arrest bus. The students were demanding an end to increases in tuition fees, and a day care center for children of students. Maria Ramos also confronted Dean [...]

"Building a Movement"

This is a photocopied Village Voice article that was used to promote a citywide demonstration on April 25, 1995 that united groups fighting for education, jobs, housing, health care and AIDS care. They also called for an end to police brutality and [...]

SLAM! Structure

This flier explains the structure of city-wide SLAM!, which was designed to ensure representation of actual organizing by students on their campuses. This was an effort to build a grassroots coalition that would bypass some of the problems the CUNY [...]

Strike! graphic from BMCC 1971 Yearbook

Printed in the BMCC 1971 yearbook, Prism, this photograph was used in the "Strike!" section and was taken during the student takeover of the college in May 1970.

Students Sleeping Overnight at BMCC During 1970 Protest

Printed in Prism, the BMCC 1971 yearbook, this photograph was one in a series that documents the student takeover of one of the BMCC buildings in May 1970. On May 6-7 over 30 students slept in the "A" building. As reported in Prism, the [...]

BMCC Student Government President Maria Ramos Arguing with Dean Leon Cohen

BMCC student government president Maria Ramos "ran afoul of the higher-ups because of her activities in 1970." Printed in Prism, the BMCC 1971 yearbook, this photograph was one in a series that documents the student takeover of one of the BMCC [...]

Three 1970 photographs of BMCC mass meeting

Printed in Prism, the BMCC 1971 yearbook, these photographs are part of a series that documents the student takeover of one of the BMCC buildings in May 1970. Faculty members Bill Friedheim and Jim Perlstein are shown speaking in support of student [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1975

These selections are from the April 1975 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. The publication typically focused on the concerns and needs of the college's large black student population.The magazine's cover features [...]

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