A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 7 items that match your search.

Vote for Unity: United Federation of College Teachers/Legislative Conference Merger Talks

This 1971 memo, written by the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), described the merger talks between the UFCT and the Legislative Conference (LC) and the obstacles to consolidation into what would become the Professional Staff Congress. [...]

Bus Ride to Albany Rally

Belle Zeller, Professional Staff Congress (PSC) president, can be seen at the right with Israel Kugler, the union's deputy president standing at the back. The photo was taken on a bus trip to Albany to rally in support of Open Admissions. The PSC [...]

Picketing at Baruch College

The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) picketed in favor of Open Admissions, among other things, in front of Baruch College in February 1973. Their efforts to save Open Admissions from budget cuts presaged the struggles that would come with fiscal [...]

PSC Contract Rally

The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) struggled to win its first contract from CUNY in 1972 and 1973. It called on support from others in the labor movement to help put pressure on the CUNY administration. At this meeting, President Belle Zeller of [...]

Oral History Interview with Irwin Yellowitz

This oral history interview was conducted by Bill Friedheim on November 5, 2014 at the offices of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). Irwin Yellowitz discusses his experience as a professor of history at City College of New York, events [...]

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