A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 8 items that match your search.

"Pressure and Popularity Spur Variety In College Women's Studies Courses"

This New York Times article chronicles the advent of the establishment of women's studies programs at universities across the country in the 1970s, featuring the newly established double major at Brooklyn College. Program co-founder and [...]

No Cops, No Hikes — CUNY Wide Convergence

This flier for a May 10, 2012 protest at Hunter College, invited students to participate in a rally against both an increasing police presence on CUNY campuses and increasing tuition costs. In effort to rally supporters, the two groups responsible [...]

May 5, 1969 Memo from Brooklyn College Acting President George Peck discussing input from BC student government about student suspensions

This May 5, 1969 memo from Brooklyn College (BC) Acting President George Peck alerted the BC campus about the role and responsibilities of the student government of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) regarding student suspensions. The memo [...]

May 9, 1969 Announcement from Acting President George Peck alerting the Brooklyn College community that the NYPD would patrol the campus

On May 9, 1969 Acting Brooklyn College (BC) President George Peck announced the role of the NY Police Department in response to the student-led movement at. The document described various protest strategies and acts of civil disobedience coordinated [...]

May 14, 1969 Letter from Brooklyn College Acting President George Peck Announcing a Bail Review for Indicted Brooklyn College Students

A May 14, 1969 memo from Brooklyn College (BC) Acting President George Peck informed the college community about a bail review for BC students arrested during protests on the campus. The memo also stated Peck's commitment to confer with student [...]

October 24, 1974 Letter from Brooklyn College President John W. Kneller announcing he will take no action regarding the student occupation of the BC Registrar's office

In this October 24, 1975 letter to the Brooklyn College (BC) community BC President John W. Kneller announced that the occupation of the Registrar's Office was "a closed issue" and that he would not enforce disciplinary actions against any students [...]

October24 , 1974 Statement from Brooklyn College President John Kneller detailing his response to the student-led takeover of the BC Registrar's Office

This October 24, 1974 statement sent from President John W. Kneller detailed the steps the BC administration took in response to a student-led, multi-day takeover of the BC Registrars Office. Earlier in the month Puerto Rican and African American [...]

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