A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 16 items that match your search.

Proposal for Wrap-A-Round Adjunct Health Insurance

Written in 1982, this memo discussed the possibility of implementing a "wraparound" medical health insurance plan for adjunct faculty. It argued that this option would be superior because it offered free choice of physician and 365 days of hospital [...]

Form Letter for those Expressing Interest in Medical Plan

Distributed in late May 1983, this letter was sent to those who had previously expressed an interest in the Professional Staff Congress's (PSC) "Wraparound Major Medical Plan." It included quarterly employee payment costs under the plan.

Health Care Benefit Description and Application

This January 21, 1986 document, sent to adjunct PSC  members, is the first official correspondence from CUNY's Office of the Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff Relations which described the details of the fully paid, adjunct health care [...]

Adjunct Benefits: Questions and Answers

This September 18, 1986 memo from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Faculty and Staff Relations at CUNY to the Labor Designees and Personnel Officers on the campuses listed a series of revised questions regarding the implementation of adjunct [...]

Adjunct Medical Plan

This memo, produced in 1994 by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), compared the cost of individual and family healthcare plans from HIP and Blue Cross. Specific details about each plan were also provided.

Letter from Polishook to Ledley

This July 25, 1978 lfrom Professional Staff Congress (PSC) President Irwin Polishook to Professor Ralph Ledley, chairman of the Faculty Welfare Trustees, requested that the Trustees estimate the costs of health coverage for "approximately 2000" [...]

Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Response to CUNY Coronavirus Plan

This March 2020 statement from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) – the union representing 30,000 faculty, staff, and graduate students at the City University of New York (CUNY) – outlined the ambiguities in Chancellor Matos Rodriguez's [...]

COEH Grant Awards 2000-2016

Produced by Hunter College's Office of Research Administration, this report offers summary of the various sources of funding and projects undertaken by the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) between the years 2000 and 2016. [...]

Final Report for Susan Harwood Training Grant

This report, produced by Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health and the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union (PACE), was created at the conclusion of their three-year, Susan Harwood [...]

EPA-HWWT Training Summary 2004-2009

The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health compiled these tables breaking down the Health and Safety Training programs for Hazardous Waste Workers offered from the years 2004-2009 by type of class, number of classes, number of people [...]

FDNY Health and Safety Training for Incident Commanders

In the late-1990s, Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) trained the entirety of FDNY's leadership over the course of 24 hours on the topics of health and safety for (emergency) incident commanders. These documents [...]

Organizational Structure of Hunter College School of Health Professions

This chart offers an overview of the organizational structure of Hunter College's School of Health Professions. The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH), officially formed in 1990, was granted a fair degree of autonomy over its [...]

Community Health Worker Project Brochure

This brochure advertises the "Community Health Worker Project" run by Hunter College's Center for Environmental and Occupational Health (COEH). The project, one of COEH's major initiatives, recruited local residents from New York City neighborhoods [...]

COEH Project Funding from 1999-2001

These pages document the various projects that Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) worked on between 1999 and 2001. In addition to listing funding totals and sources, the sheet includes the Center's various [...]

Tiger Paper, February 1972

This issue of the Tiger Paper contains humorous takedowns of the college administration, a call for free subways, a critique of the state of nursing education, and an extended interview with radical poet Sonia Sanchez.The Tiger Paper, which [...]

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