A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 26 items that match your search.

"We're all in this Together": CUNY in Solidarity with the Home Care Strike

This flyer promoted an April 17th CUNY rally held in opposition to budget cuts and tuition hikes. The CUNY rally participants joined Local 1199 and DC 1707 home care workers on the picket line. One of the core tenets of the Graduate Student [...]

No Budget Cuts – No Givebacks – Join CUNY Students

City University of New York’s (CUNY) struggles were “no different from labor’s fight for economic and social justice.” This 1991 flyer appealed to NYC labor movement members to join CUNY student strikers, arguing that the attacks on CUNY [...]

The Struggle Continues

Promoting solidarity and coalition building across CUNY campuses, this flyer called on students at Bronx Community College, Lehman College, and Hostos Community College to join a May 2, 1991 rally at Hostos Community College in the Bronx followed by [...]

Workers and Students, Fight Back Against Cutbacks

Calling for a general strike to support students, this May Day flyer argued that “When the police attack. . .workers and students will unite to fight back against cutbacks and police brutality.” Written in both Spanish and English, the flyer [...]

CUNY City-Wide Student Coalition

This CUNY-wide student coalition document outlined ten demands which included a call for Chancellor W. Ann Reynold's resignation, the elimination of tuition, no state cuts to education, student seats on multiple CUNY committees (including budget) [...]

Fourth Internationalist Tendency Flyer: Support the Student Takeovers

This newsletter produced by the Fourth Internationalist Tendency (FIT, a Trotskyist group) supported the CUNY student takeovers. It stated that Governor Cuomo, CUNY Chancellor Anne Reynolds, and Mayor Dinkins's proposal to cut CUNY's budget by $96 [...]

Who's the Real Enemy?

Featuring images of Chancellor W. Ann Reynolds, Governor Mario Cuomo, and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, this two-sided flyer from 1991 asked, "Who's the real enemy?". "All of the above" was the answer because "they are all [three] willing to [...]

Your Voice Counts

"No Budget Cuts, No Tuition Hikes, No Police on Campus" This flyer called for Graduate Center students to show solidarity in support of the City University of New York (CUNY) strike by joining the CUNY Graduate Center (GC) takeover. The pamphlet [...]

The CUNY Crisis and the New World Order

Sponsored by City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Students Against the War, this flyer announced a symposium on “The CUNY Crisis and New World Order.” Well before the CUNY strikes of 1991, Graduate Center student organizations were [...]

Graduate Student Action Paper

Written by the Graduate Center Student Strike in April 1991, this action paper reported that the City University of New York's (CUNY) Graduate Center had been taken over by graduate students on the morning of April 16th in solidarity with the [...]

Emergency Call to Action

Dated April 15th, 1991 at 3:27 PM, this facsimile was an “emergency call to action.” It reported that students who had taken over City University of New York (CUNY) campuses, including New York City Technical College, Baruch College, and Queens [...]

We Can Win! Your Involvement is Crucial! – CCNY Student Strikes

Written three weeks into the City University of New York (CUNY) strikes of 1991, this flyer, signed CCNY STRIKE STUDENTS (City College of New York), urged students to support the movement and attend general assemblies. Daily mass general assemblies [...]

Graduate student support for CUNY-wide student actions

Graduate student Steven Duncombe speaks about the CUNY student occupation protesting the budget cuts and the tuition increases of 1991. This video was originally recorded for the monthly cable TV labor program, Labor at the Crossroads (or Labor X), [...]

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

“City University Students at Federal Hall in 1989 protesting a proposed tuition increase.”

CUNY students held strikes and building occupations in 1989 when Governor Mario Cuomo and the CUNY Board of Trustees announced yet another $200 tuition increase. This mass rally was held at Federal Hall, near Wall Street.

Hostos United/Hostos Unido, January 17, 1978 Meeting Minutes

These meeting minutes document the decision to form Hostos United/Hostos Unido on January 17th, 1978. Hostos United/Hostos Unido became the central activist group that led much of the campaign to expand to 500 Grand Concourse. It was organized by [...]

Hostos United/Hostos Unido, January 17, 1978 Meeting Notes

These handwritten notes were taken during the meeting in which leaders of student and labor groups decided to form Hostos United/Hostos Unido. The group became the central activist organization that led much of the campaign to expand the college to [...]

"Hostos students call vigil to get city funds for annex"

This issue of the Daily World included an article stating that Hostos Community College students and activists planned a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the third part [...]

Hostos Fights for Space / Vigilia Pro Hostos

This bilingual flier announces that Hostos Community College students and activists will hold a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. The flier describes the urgent need for the [...]

Hostos Students Occupy Building

This April 12th, 1978 clipping from the Guardian describes the takeover of the 500 Grand Concourse building by Hostos Community College students and faculty to raise awareness about the college’s need for funding to complete renovations. The [...]

Hostos Students and Faculty March

This April 28th, 1978 clipping from the Daily World shows an image of a student and faculty march to Gracie Mansion to raise awareness about Hostos Community College’s need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the [...]

"Education is a Right"

"Education is a Right" produced in 1994 by Labor at the Crossroads, also known as Labor X, sought to understand some of the protest tactics, which made the 1989 CUNY strikes at least temporarily successful in fighting tuition hikes. In light of [...]

A BCC Proposal: "Access ... Access ... Access ..."

Written in 1991 by Sidney Royce of the BCC (Bronx Community College) senate, this detailed proposal called to take student demonstrations off-campus and recruit the whole community to fight against the City University of New York (CUNY) tuition [...]

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